(static) Base/CheckoutServices-Get()
CheckoutServices-Get : This endpoint is only used in multi-ship. The CheckoutServices-Get endpoint is invoked when clicking on"Next: Payment"
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/CheckoutServices-PlaceOrder()
CheckoutServices-PlaceOrder : The CheckoutServices-PlaceOrder endpoint places the order
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/CheckoutServices-SubmitPayment()
CheckoutServices-SubmitPayment : The CheckoutServices-SubmitPayment endpoint will submit the payment information and render the checkout place order page allowing the shopper to confirm and place the order
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
httpparameter |
addressSelector - For Guest shopper: A shipment UUID that contains address that matches the selected address. For returning shopper: ab_ |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_firstName - Input field for the shoppers's first name |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_lastName - Input field for the shoppers's last name |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_address1 - Input field for the shoppers's address 1 - street |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_address2 - Input field for the shoppers's address 2 - street |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_country - Input field for the shoppers's address - country |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_states_stateCode - Input field for the shoppers's address - state code |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_city - Input field for the shoppers's address - city |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_addressFields_postalCode - Input field for the shoppers's address - postal code |
httpparameter |
csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token |
httpparameter |
localizedNewAddressTitle - label for new address |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_contactInfoFields_email - Input field for the shopper's email address |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_contactInfoFields_phone - Input field for the shopper's phone number |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_paymentMethod - Input field for the shopper's payment method |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_creditCardFields_cardType - Input field for the shopper's credit card type |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_creditCardFields_cardNumber - Input field for the shopper's credit card number |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_creditCardFields_expirationMonth - Input field for the shopper's credit card expiration month |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_creditCardFields_expirationYear - Input field for the shopper's credit card expiration year |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_billing_creditCardFields_securityCode - Input field for the shopper's credit card security code |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |