Class Logger
The Logger class provides logging utility methods.
debugEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if debug logging is enabled.
errorEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if error logging is enabled.
infoEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if info logging is enabled.
rootLogger  :  Log  (Read Only)
The root logger object.
warnEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if warning logging is enabled.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
static debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an debug level message.
static error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an error level message.
static getLogger(category : String) : Log
Returns the logger object for the given category.
static getLogger(fileNamePrefix : String, category : String) : Log
Returns the logger object for the given file name prefix and category.
static getRootLogger() : Log
Returns the root logger object.
static info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an information level message.
static isDebugEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if debug logging is enabled.
static isErrorEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if error logging is enabled.
static isInfoEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if info logging is enabled.
static isWarnEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if warning logging is enabled.
static warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an warning level message.
Method Detail
static debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an debug level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

static error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an error level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

static getLogger(category : String) : Log
Returns the logger object for the given category.
category - - the category to get the logger for
the logger object for the given category.

static getLogger(fileNamePrefix : String, category : String) : Log
Returns the logger object for the given file name prefix and category. Throws an exception if maximum number of custom log files per day has already been obtained.
fileNamePrefix - - the file name prefix to identify the logger must not be null or an empty string, must be at least 3 characters long, can contain characters a-z A-Z 0-9 '-' '_' only, can have up to 25 characters must not start or end with '-' or '_' can only start or end with a-z A-Z 0-9
category - - the category to get the logger for, must not be null
the logger object for the given category.

static getRootLogger() : Log
Returns the root logger object.
the root logger object.

static info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an information level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

static isDebugEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if debug logging is enabled.
true if logging of debug messages is enabled, false otherwise.

static isErrorEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if error logging is enabled.
true if logging of error messages is enabled, false otherwise.

static isInfoEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if info logging is enabled.
true if logging of info messages is enabled, false otherwise.

static isWarnEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if warning logging is enabled.
true if logging of warn messages is enabled, false otherwise.

static warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an warning level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.