All Job Steps

Name Description
CatalogDeltaExport Creates Delta Export for Catalogs. Support must be contacted to enable delta exports.
CreateSitemap Creates Sitemap.
CustomerListsDeltaExport Creates Delta Export for Customer Lists. Support must be contacted to enable delta exports.
DownloadActiveDataFromStorage Download active data from storage system to current site.
ExecuteCategorizationRules Executes the Categorization based on the Categorization Rules and Conditions defined on a CatalogCategory.
ExecuteDataReplication Replicates data to a target system.
ExecutePipeline Executes a pipeline.
ExecutePreconfiguredCodeReplicationProcess Executes the preconfigured code replication process with the ID defined at parameter 'ReplicationProcessID'. The code replication process has to be created / configured using the BM UI for code replication, with activation set to 'Job Step' and type 'Code Transfer & Activation'.
ExecutePreconfiguredDataReplicationProcess Executes the preconfigured data replication process with the ID defined at parameter 'ReplicationProcessID'. The data replication process has to be created / configured using the BM UI for data replication, with activation set to 'Job Step' and type 'Transfer & Publication'.
ExecuteScriptModule Executes a function exported by a script module.
ExportABTests Exports A/B tests.
ExportAssignments Exports all assignments in the system.
ExportCatalog Exports catalog data.
ExportContent Exports the folders in the specified content Library.
ExportContentSlots Exports all content slot data.
ExportCouponCodes Exports the codes of a specified coupon.
ExportCoupons Exports coupons.
ExportCustomerGroups Exports all customer groups.
ExportCustomerList Exports a customer list, it's preferences as well as the customers assigned to the customer list.
ExportCustomers Exports the customer profiles from the default customer list of the given site.
ExportCustomObjects Exports custom objects of a specified type and scope.
ExportFacebookFeed Exports Catalog Feed for Facebook.
ExportGiftCertificates Exports Gift Certificates.
ExportInventoryLists Exports inventory lists.
ExportMetaData Export System Object Type extensions and Custom Object Type definitions.
ExportOrders Exports all orders matching the selected criteria using Search Service, with a maximum of 1000 orders per run. After an order has been exported successfully, its export status is EXPORTED. If an order did not export successfully, its order export status is FAILED. This job step is intended to export orders at recurring intervals. To include all orders that are ready to be exported (up to 1000), set the filter criteria to Export Status = READY FOR EXPORT.
ExportPageLocalization Export page content for localization purposes
ExportPriceBook Exports price data.
ExportProductLists Exports product lists of a site. If all the options are selected, all product lists that were created by anonymous or registered customers, either empty or non-empty, that are either new (has never been exported) or modified (changed since the last time it was exported) will be exported. If none of the options are selected, all non-empty product lists that are owned by a registered customer will be exported. By default, IncludeAnonymousLists and IncludeEmptyLists are selected, which will export all product lists without any filtering.
ExportPromotions Exports promotions.
ExportShippingMethods Exports shipping methods.
ExportSourceCodeGroups Exports source code groups.
ExportStores Exports stores.
ExportTaxTable Exports tax data.
ImportABTests Imports A/B tests.
ImportActiveData Imports active data from the provided CSV files.
ImportAssignments Imports assignments
ImportCatalog Imports catalog data.
ImportContent Imports content. If no library-id is specified in the import file, the data is imported into the private library of the current site. If a library-id is specified in the import file, the data is imported into the specified shared library. There is no way to specify a private library using the "library-id" attribute in the import file.
ImportContentSlots Imports content slot configurations in the specified mode.
ImportCoupons Imports coupons in the specified mode.
ImportCustomerGroups Imports customer groups in the specified mode.
ImportCustomerList Deprecated. Imports customer list data. Use ImportCustomerLists instead.
ImportCustomerLists Imports customer lists.
ImportCustomers Imports Customers based on customer.xsd
ImportCustomObjects Imports Custom Objects.
ImportGiftCertificates Import the Gift Certificates contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportInventoryLists Imports inventory data.
ImportKeyValueMapping Import or delete a key/value mapping in the Generic Mapping high-performance data store.
ImportPageLocalization Import translated page content for localization purposes
ImportPriceBook Imports price data.
ImportProductLists Imports product lists.
ImportPromotions Imports promotions in the specified mode.
ImportShippingMethods Imports shipping methods in the specified mode.
ImportSiteArchive Imports a site import archive file into the current instance.
ImportSourceCodeGroups Imports source code groups in the specified mode.
ImportStores Imports Stores based on store.xsd
ImportTaxTable Imports Tax Classes, Tax Jurisdictions and Tax Rates from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
IncludeStepsFromJob Includes steps from another job.
InvalidateCache Invalidate Page and Static Content Cache
LibraryDeltaExport Creates Delta Export for Libraries. Support must be contacted to enable delta exports.
SearchReindex Rebuilds or updates search indexes. The number of search indexes that can be rebuilt or updated in parallel is globally limited. If the limit is exceeded, any rebuild or update action will be queued and executed once resources are available again.
SiteExport Exports site data.
UndoPreconfiguredCodeReplicationProcess Undo the preconfigured code replication process with the ID defined at parameter 'ReplicationProcessID'. The given code replication process must have been executed using a step of type 'ExecutePreconfiguredCodeReplicationProcess' by this job.
UndoPreconfiguredDataReplicationProcess Undo the preconfigured data replication process with the ID defined at parameter 'ReplicationProcessID'. The given data replication process must have been executed using a step of type 'ExecutePreconfiguredDataReplicationProcess' by this job.
UpdateStorefrontURLs Updates the Storefront URLs for objects like categories, products, folders and content assets. This will update the URLs for all sites assigned under 'Scope'.
UploadActiveDataBackupToStorage Upload current site's active data to storage system (as a backup).
UploadActiveDataToStorage Upload current site's active data to storage system.