On-Site Search Top Search Dashboard

The On-Site Search–Top Search dashboard reflects how customers use search on your storefront. The metrics provide an accurate view of the frequency of search and the use of search terms.

You can use the report metrics to evaluate the success of your storefront search strategy. The dashboard provides metrics on:

  • The Number of Searches–The Number of Searches report plots over time the number of customer searches made on the site.
  • Searches with Results–The Searches with Results report plots the number of customer searches that returned search results.
  • Searches without Results–The Search without Results report plots the number of customer searches that didn’t return search results.
  • Number of Searches Per Visit–The Number of Searches Per Visit report plots the number of searches per visit.
  • Revenue per Search–The Revenue Per Search report plots daily revenue generated by orders placed from search results.
  • Search Phrases with Results–The Search Phrases with Results report lists search phrases requested by customers.
  • Search Phrases without Results–The Search Phrases without Results report lists the search phrases that didn’t return results during the report time period.

You can filter the dashboard reports by site, date range, and device type (desktop, phone, tablet, and unknown). When reviewing reports with line graphs, you can mouse over a date on plotted lines to see the metric for that day.

Number of Searches

Use the Number of Searches to evaluate how often shoppers use search on your storefront. For example, during a promotion or seasonal events, you expect on-site searches to increase.

Searches with Results

You can use the metrics in the report to determine the success of your search strategy. For example, a high percentage of successful searches indicates that your search strategy is successful. You can also use the results to help design sales or promotional campaigns. For example, search phrases with a high number of successful uses can indicate popular products. To drive sales of those items, consider designing a promotional campaign.

Searches Without Results

You can use the Search Phrases without Results report to identify missing phrases. For example, use the report results, to update your searchable product attributes, and adjust sorting rules so that your search index includes missing phrases. High numbers of unsuccessful searches can indicate that the search directory is out of date. To keep the search directory up to date, always rebuild the search index after updating product or content data.

Number of Searches Per Visit

This metric is calculated daily as: The number of visits to the storefront / The number of searches. You can use it to evaluate the success of your search strategy during specific events. For example, during a seasonal sale, you expect searches per visit to increase as shoppers search for seasonal items.

Revenue Per Search

This metric is calculated daily as: Revenue from orders placed from search results / The number of searches. You can use it to evaluate the success of your search strategy. For example, revenue that meets or exceeds your forecasts indicates your search strategy led to shopper purchases. Revenue that falls below your forecast can indicate missing search attributes or inaccurate keywords in your search index.

Search Phrases with Results and Search Phrases without Results

The search phrase reports include two reports: search phrases with results and search phrases without results. Both of these reports give you an idea of what your customers look for on your site and if their searches are successful.

The report provides information on the number of times the search was launched and the percentage of total searches.

Used in combination, these reports give you insight into what products and services shoppers are looking for on your storefront. You can use this information to design promotions that drive revenue through your search strategy.

The metrics in these reports can also help you modify your search phrase strategy. For example, you can update your searchable product attributes and search index with the top search phrases that are not returning results.

You can also use the report to evaluate your search results during promotions and seasonal periods. For example, during holiday sales you can review the holiday search phrases that return results and the phrases that don’t. Use this data to add missing phrases to your search index.

Note: Data compiled for these metrics is not case-sensitive. For example, Hiking Boots and hiking boots are tracked as the same search phrase.
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