Traffic Dashboard

The Traffic dashboard shows data about the visitors to your site.

You can use the report to review the:
  • Number of visits
  • Average visit duration
  • Devices used to access you site
  • Source of referrers
  • Top IP addresses
  • Top user agents
  • Top robots

The Reports are updated daily. All times are GMT.

Number of Visits and Visit Duration

The top-level report defaults to the Number Of Visits view. Click Visit Duration or Revenue Per Visit to change the graph shown. Use these three reports to review the total visits and average visit length, and the total revenue per visit for a given day.

Visits By Device

The report illustrates the total number of visits by device for the report period. Reported devices include desktop, phone, tablet, and unknown, which refers to any device that does not fit the defined device classes.

Top Referrers

Top Referrers report lists the top referrer hosts who led traffic to your storefront. The report includes the referral source and origin. For example, a customer on clicks a link to your site. Facebook is the source and is the origin. The Referrers report also includes the type of referrer (search, social, or general web), and the number of requests from a source.

Top IP Addresses

The Top IP addresses report shows an overview of the number of visits from the IP address point of view. To anonymize the listed IP addresses, the last octet is masked on each IP address. The report includes robots and user clients and is limited to the 10,000 most recently used entries. The report lists the masked IP address, the site (storefront) visited, and the total request from the IP address during the reporting period.

Top User Agent

The report lists the unique agents in Agent Family by agent class. The report shows total requests in Count from each agent and includes all browsers but excludes known robots. And Top User Agent shows the percentage of the total count.

Top Robots

The Top Robots report shows an overview of the number of unique robots including only known robots, the robot class, robot family, and the total number of requests from robots. This report helps you identify which robots are crawling your storefront. The report is limited to the 10,000 most recently used entries.

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