SDAPI URL Syntax 2.0

The Script Debugger API uses a specialized schema for its URLs, and each URL consists of a base URL and an extended URL. The base URL is the same for all API requests; the extended URL changes depending on the resource and the operation. To access the Script Debugger API's functionality, you construct URLs as described below.

Base URL

The base URL has a different structure depending on whether you are using a production system or a development system (sandboxes). The base URL has the following structure:

where sub_domain is any valid subdomain of the domain (for example,

Extended URL

The base URL provides the main access point of the Script Debugger API. You extend the base URL to access specific resources. When you extend the base URL, you must conform to the following patterns. The variables shown in these patterns are described below.

The first pattern addresses multiple resources of a resource type:


The second addresses a single resource using an identifier:


The third addresses resource information by specifying an action:


The third addresses information from a dependent resource by specifying an action:

Note: Use only ASCII characters in your URLs; escape any reserved ASCII characters by using the common "%" notation.

Version ID

The version_id specifies the API version. Each API version supports a set of resource types ( resource_type ), resource properties and actions ( action ). A new API version can add new resource types, add properties to existing resource types, deprecate previously supported resource types, and introduce new semantics or behaviors without introducing structural changes.

The version_id starts with the character "v" (lowercase) followed by the actual version number, separated by an underscore. For example:

Resource type

Resource types ( resource_type ) are fundamental to the Script Debugger API, as they are to any RESTful API. Each resource type has a corresponding set of data: properties and actions ( action ). An instance of a resource type is analogous to a debugger object, such as Breakpoint or Script Thread.

The Script Debugger API provides a fixed set of system resource types for each API version. Resource types that provide access to multiple resources are given plural names (for example, "breakpoints"). Resource types that provide access to only one resource are given singular names (for example, "breakpoint"). The following example URL retrieves resources of type breakpoints:


Unique identifiers ( identifier ) enable you to request specific resource instances. The following URL returns the thread using an ID:

The identifier must be URL encoded.


Actions ( action ) operate on specific resource types ( resource_type ) and relationship types ( relationship_type ). Actions are not generally available across all resource types and relationship types, and they are only available when using the HTTP method POST. Actions perform special operations―for example, resume script.

The following example URL uses an action to direct the script to step into a function (this action is specific to the threads resource type):
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