Search and Navigation Reporting

You can use search and navigation reports to identify, for example, top search terms, external search hits, and how search terms correspond to conversions.

Top Search Terms Report

This report provides an overview of the total searches, with and without results. In addition to these total numbers, the report provides a detailed view of the top search phrases, with and without results. From a business point of view, this report gives you an idea of what your customers are looking for in your storefront, and if their searches are satisfactory.

Data Definition
Searches with Results Percentage of searches that returned one or more results.
Unique Search Phrases with Results Total number of unique search phrases within the total searches that returned one or more results.
Searches without Results Percentage of searches that returned no results.
Unique Search Phrases without Results Total number of unique search phrases within the total searches that returned no results.

Search Engine Hits Report

This report provides an overview of the total external searches that led to your site, including the number of unique search phrases, and the unique count of external search engines. From a business point of view, this report gives you an idea of which phrases and search engines are driving traffic to your site.

Data Definition
Unique External Search Phrases Total number of unique external search phrases that led to the site.
Unique Count of External Search Engines Total number of unique external search engines that led to the site.

Search Conversion Report

This report can help you refine your search and refine your product set to match search words and increase the conversion rate. If the conversion rate of visits with searches and results is the highest, you can place the search feature more prominently in the storefront to entice customers to use it.

Data Definition
All visits business data from all visits without filtering or sorting.
With Searches and Results All visits having at least one search operation that returned a result.
With Searches and No Results All visits having only search operations that did not return a result.
Without Searches All visits without any search operations.

This grouping doesn't use the number of orders per visit as a classification criterion. The order numbers are only reported to determine if a group leads to better or worse order behavior. This report doesn't build a relationship between the search and its results and the ordered items.

Conversion of Search Phrases with Results

This section of the report lists the search words used in visits with at least one search with a search result. It does not necessarily mean that the search result actually contributed to the purchase decision. The section contains:

  • The search phrases as entered by the customer.
  • The number of search operations
  • The total orders
  • The merchandise total of all orders during visits having search operations with the search phrase
  • The average merchandise total per search (a calculated value of the used search phrase)
  • The average merchandise total per order (summarizes the average value of an order using this search phrase)
  • The items per order (the average item count for all orders with this search phrase in the visit click stream).

This report can help you tune your search, or tune your product set to better match search words, to increase the conversion rate. If the conversion rate of visits with searches and results is the highest, you might want to place the search feature more prominently on your storefront to encourage the use of Search.

Conversion of Search Phrases Without Results

This section of the report lists the search words used in visits with at least one search with no search results. The section contains:

  • The search phrases as entered by the customer
  • The number of search operations
  • The total orders
  • The average merchandise total per search (a calculated value of the used search phrase)
  • The average merchandise total per order (summarizes the average value of an order using this search phrase)
  • The items per order (the average item count for all orders with this search phrase in the visit click stream)

This report can help you tune your search, or tune your product set to better match search words, to increase the conversion rate. If the conversion rate of visits with searches and results is the highest, you might want to place the search feature more prominently on your storefront to encourage the use of Search.

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