Create URL Search Refinement Redirects

Creating URL search refinements is a multi-step process. You can only add redirects for active URL search refinement.

There are two types of changes for which you can create redirects: value changes, such as blue to Blue, and removal.

Note: The maximum number of configurable enabled URL search refinements is 30. The maximum number of enabled URL search refinements for a category/folder is 5. If more than 5 SEO enabled URL Search refinements exist, use the sorting provided at Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules > Catalog URL > Enabled Category Search Refinements to change the position of the defined refinements to have the most relevant refinement on top.

Select the URL Search Refinements tab at site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules. The top section enables you to manage the redirects, while the bottom section enables you to create redirects by comparing changes over time.

Create snapshots (manually or scheduled) that contain all search refinement values and the corresponding URL mappings for all enabled category and folder search refinements. A snapshot is automatically created after each search index replication, and as configured by the scheduled snapshot limitation.

The maximum number of snapshots created by schedule is five, and the maximum number of snapshots created automatically after search index replication is two.

See Configuring SEO URLs.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules. Start by creating your catalog and content search refinements.
    1. Click the Catalog|Content URL tab.
    2. On the Catalog|Content URL tab, click Edit Refinements.
    3. Enter category|folder search refinements into the New Search Refinement field.
    4. Click Apply.
  2. When you have enabled your site, you might want to configure mappings for out-dated search refinement URL mappings. Click the URL Search Refinements tab.
  3. To enable search refinement redirects, click the Enable Category/Folder Refinements for Redirects button to enable URL search refinements.
    This step should be infrequent.
    1. On the URL Search Refinement Redirects - Enable Category Search Refinements for Redirect page, select a search refinement in the Search Refinement field.
    2. Configure localization.
      • Localized: Use this if your site supports multiple languages and you want redirect mappings defined for each locale.
      • Not Localized: Use this if your site or search refinements are not localized and you want redirect mappings defined for all locales.
    3. Click Enable Category/Folder Refinement.
    4. Click <<Back.
  4. To search for a refinement, on the URL Search Refinements tab, enter a value and click Find; or click Find with the Value field empty to view all mappings.
  5. To configure a new SEO URL mapping:
    1. Select the URL Search Refinements tab at site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules. Select the URL Type: Category or Folder.
    2. Select a refinement from the Enable Category/Folder Refinement field.
    3. Select a locale, if you have configured them.
    4. Enter the old (out-dated) mapping in the URL Search Refinement Value field.
    5. Enter the search refinement value to which you want to redirect in the Search Refinement Value field.
    6. Click Apply.
  6. Schedule snapshots so you can track mapping differences.

    A snapshot file is created after the job is executed and the created snapshot is different from the previously created snapshot. A snapshot contains all enabled category and folder search refinements for the corresponding URL type.

    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules >. Click the URL Search Refinements tab. In the URL Search Refinement Snapshots section, click Configure Job.
    2. On the URL Search Refinement Snapshots - Configure Job page, enable the job.
    3. Select the date and time and the interval (hours, days, weeks, or months).
    4. Click Apply.
    5. Click <<Back.
  7. Click Run Now to create a snapshot immediately,
  8. To compare snapshots:
    1. Click the URL Search Refinements tab at site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules.
    2. In the URL Search Refinement Snapshots, select the first snapshot.
    3. Select the second snapshot, to be compared.

      All filters are disabled until two snapshots are selected.

      All mappings that have changed appear in the grid.

    4. Select the Storefront URL Type: Catalog or Folder (the default is Any).
    5. Select the LocalID, if available (the default is Any).
    6. Select the Refinement, for example, color or size (the default is Any).
    7. Select more or more comparison modes.

      Select Equal to view only values that are equal.

      Select Added to view only values that have been added.

      Select Removed to view only values that have been removed.

      Select Changed to view only values that have changed.

    8. If you want to compare the use of a specific refinement value, enter the value you want into the Refinement Value field and click Find.
      For example, enter blue and click Compare. Only refinement mappings that contain blue appear in the grid.
    9. To manage new redirects, note the green check mark icon in the Existing Redirects column, which represents a previously created redirect (changed/removed).
      Rows with existing redirects (icons) are disabled. You can change/add/delete these mappings in the URL Search Refinement Redirects section (see step 5 above).
  9. To perform a bulk change after a compare:
    There are two types of changes for which you can create redirects: value changes, such as blue to Blue, and removal.
    1. With the changed items showing after a compare, select one or more URL refinement values to change.
    2. Click Create Redirects.
    3. Click OK.
      The new redirects now appear, based on the URL type and enabled refinement selected, in the Search Refinement Redirects section.

Example: Mapping Change from /Blue/Shoes to /Blue/Shoes

For example, your company recently changed from mapping with initial uppercase to all lower case. The old URL mapping was /Blue/shoes. Your company now uses all lower case, and you want to enable the new lowercase character replacement. The new URL mapping is /blue/shoes.

To configure a 301 redirect from the old to the new URL, set the URL Search Replacement value to Blue, and the Search Refinement Value to Blue. This will redirect from /Blue/shoes to /blue/shoes.

Note: The Search Refinement Value isn't the URL we redirecting to. It's simply an extension for your URL mappings, for example, 'blue' > prefn1=color&prefv1=[Blue] and 'Blue' (the redirect also pointing to the refinement value) > prefn1=color&prefv1=[Blue] and a redirect is performed.

To remove the search refinement value completely, set the URL Search Refinement Value to Blue>, and keep the Search Refinement Value empty. This redirects from /Blue/shoes to /shoes.