GiftCertificate document (Data API 23.2)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a gift certificate

Property Type Constraints Description
amount Money   The gift certificate amount. The user cannot change the gift certificate amount after the creation of the gift certificate.
balance Money   The gift certificate balance. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified.
creation_date Date   Returns the value of attribute 'creationDate'.
description String maxLength=4000 The description of the gift certificate.
enabled Boolean   The enabled flag of the gift certificate.
last_modified Date   Returns the value of attribute 'lastModified'.
link String   The URL to get the gift certificate. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified.
masked_gift_certificate_code String   The masked gift certificate code with all but the last 4 characters replaced with a '*' character. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified.
merchant_id String   The merchant ID of the gift certificate. This is a unique attribute. This is a computed attribute and cannot be modified. This is used to get, update and the delete gift certificates.
message String maxLength=4000 The message to the recipient of the gift certificate.
order_no String   The order number of the gift certificate.
recipient_email String   The email address of the recipient of the gift certificate.
recipient_name String maxLength=256 The recipient of the gift certificate.
sender_name String maxLength=256 The sender of the gift certificate.
status Enum {issued, partially_redeemed, pending, redeemed}   The status of the gift certificate. While creating a gift certificate, user can set the status to either "pending" or "issued" only.
transactions [AccountTransaction]   The transactions of the gift certificate. This attribute is only available as part of the response.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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