'use strict';
var money = require('dw/value/Money');
var priceHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/pricing');
var DefaultPrice = require('*/cartridge/models/price/default');
var RangePrice = require('*/cartridge/models/price/range');
var TieredPrice = require('*/cartridge/models/price/tiered');
* Get list price for a product
* @param {dw.catalog.ProductPriceModel} priceModel - Product price model
* @return {dw.value.Money} - List price
function getListPrice(priceModel) {
var price = money.NOT_AVAILABLE;
var priceBook;
var priceBookPrice;
if (priceModel.price.valueOrNull === null && priceModel.minPrice) {
return priceModel.minPrice;
priceBook = priceHelper.getRootPriceBook(priceModel.priceInfo.priceBook);
priceBookPrice = priceModel.getPriceBookPrice(priceBook.ID);
if (priceBookPrice.available) {
return priceBookPrice;
price = priceModel.price.available ? priceModel.price : priceModel.minPrice;
return price;
* Retrieves Price instance
* @param {dw.catalog.Product|dw.catalog.productSearchHit} inputProduct - API object for a product
* @param {string} currency - Current session currencyCode
* @param {boolean} useSimplePrice - Flag as to whether a simple price should be used, used for
* product tiles and cart line items.
* @param {dw.util.Collection<dw.campaign.Promotion>} promotions - Promotions that apply to this
* product
* @param {dw.catalog.ProductOptionModel} currentOptionModel - The product's option model
* @return {TieredPrice|RangePrice|DefaultPrice} - The product's price
function getPrice(inputProduct, currency, useSimplePrice, promotions, currentOptionModel) {
var rangePrice;
var salesPrice;
var listPrice;
var product = inputProduct;
var promotionPrice = money.NOT_AVAILABLE;
var priceModel = currentOptionModel
? product.getPriceModel(currentOptionModel)
: product.getPriceModel();
var priceTable = priceModel.getPriceTable();
if (priceTable.quantities.length > 1) {
return new TieredPrice(priceTable, useSimplePrice);
if ((product.master || product.variationGroup) && priceModel.priceRange) {
rangePrice = new RangePrice(priceModel.minPrice, priceModel.maxPrice);
if (rangePrice && rangePrice.min.sales.value !== rangePrice.max.sales.value) {
return rangePrice;
if ((product.master || product.variationGroup) && product.variationModel.variants.length > 0) {
product = product.variationModel.variants[0];
priceModel = product.priceModel;
promotionPrice = priceHelper.getPromotionPrice(product, promotions, currentOptionModel);
listPrice = getListPrice(priceModel);
salesPrice = priceModel.price;
if (promotionPrice && promotionPrice.available && salesPrice.compareTo(promotionPrice)) {
salesPrice = promotionPrice;
if (salesPrice && listPrice && salesPrice.value === listPrice.value) {
listPrice = null;
if (salesPrice.valueOrNull === null && (listPrice && listPrice.valueOrNull !== null)) {
salesPrice = listPrice;
listPrice = {};
return new DefaultPrice(salesPrice, listPrice);
module.exports = {
getPrice: getPrice