'use strict';
var PagingModel = require('dw/web/PagingModel');
var collections = require('*/cartridge/scripts/util/collections');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var preferences = require('*/cartridge/config/preferences');
var ACTION_ENDPOINT_GRID = 'Search-Content';
var DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = preferences.defaultPageSize ? preferences.defaultPageSize : 12;
* Configures and returns a PagingModel instance
* @param {dw.util.Iterator} contentHits - Iterator for content search results
* @param {number} count - Number of contents in search results
* @param {number} pageSize - Number of contents to display
* @param {number} startIndex - Beginning index value
* @return {dw.web.PagingModel} - PagingModel instance
function getPagingModel(contentHits, count, pageSize, startIndex) {
var pagingModel = new PagingModel(contentHits, count);
pagingModel.setStart(startIndex || 0);
return pagingModel;
* Transforms a page of content into an array of JSON objects
* @param {{dw.util.List}} pageElements - PagingModel page of content
* @return {Array} - page of content JSON objects
function getContentSearchPageJSON(pageElements) {
return collections.map(pageElements, function (contentAsset) {
return {
name: contentAsset.name,
url: URLUtils.url(ACTION_ENDPOINT_CONTENT, 'cid', contentAsset.ID),
description: contentAsset.description
* @constructor
* @classdesc ContentSearch class
* @param {dw.util.Iterator<dw.content.Content>} contentSearchResult - content iterator
* @param {number} count - number of contents in the results
* @param {string} queryPhrase - request queryPhrase
* @param {number} startingPage - The index for the start of the content page
* @param {number | null} pageSize - The index for the start of the content page
function ContentSearch(contentSearchResult, count, queryPhrase, startingPage, pageSize) {
var ps = pageSize == null ? DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE : pageSize;
var pagingModel = getPagingModel(contentSearchResult, count, ps, startingPage);
var contents = getContentSearchPageJSON(pagingModel.pageElements.asList());
var moreContentUrl = pagingModel.maxPage > pagingModel.currentPage
? URLUtils.url(ACTION_ENDPOINT_GRID, 'q', queryPhrase, 'startingPage', pagingModel.end + 1)
: null;
this.queryPhrase = queryPhrase;
this.contents = contents;
this.contentCount = count;
this.moreContentUrl = moreContentUrl;
this.hasMessage = startingPage === 0;
module.exports = ContentSearch;