
SFRA / Server-side JS / Source: app_storefront_base/cartridge/controllers/ContactUs.js

'use strict';

 * @namespace ContactUs

var server = require('server');

 * ContactUs-Landing : This endpoint is called to load contact us landing page
 * @name Base/ContactUs-Landing
 * @function
 * @memberof ContactUs
 * @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
 * @param {category} - sensitive
 * @param {renders} - isml
 * @param {serverfunction} - get
server.get('Landing', server.middleware.https, function (req, res, next) {
    var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');

    res.render('contactUs/contactUs.isml', {
        actionUrl: URLUtils.url('ContactUs-Subscribe').toString()


 * ContactUs-Subscribe : This endpoint is called to submit the shopper's contact information
 * @name Base/ContactUs-Subscribe
 * @function
 * @memberof ContactUs
 * @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
 * @param {httpparameter} - contactFirstName - First Name of the shopper
 * @param {httpparameter} - contactLastName - Last Name of the shopper
 * @param {httpparameter} - contactEmail - Email of the shopper
 * @param {httpparameter} - contactTopic - ID of the "Contact Us" topic
 * @param {httpparameter} - contactComment - Comments entered by the shopper
 * @param {category} - sensitive
 * @param {returns} - json
 * @param {serverfunction} - post
 */'Subscribe', server.middleware.https, function (req, res, next) {
    var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
    var hooksHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/hooks');
    var emailHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/emailHelpers');

    var myForm = req.form;
    var isValidEmailid = emailHelper.validateEmail(myForm.contactEmail);
    if (isValidEmailid) {
        var contactDetails = [myForm.contactFirstName, myForm.contactLastName, myForm.contactEmail, myForm.contactTopic, myForm.contactComment];
        hooksHelper('app.contactUs.subscribe', 'subscribe', contactDetails, function () {});

            success: true,
            msg: Resource.msg('', 'contactUs', null)
    } else {
            error: true,
            msg: Resource.msg('', 'contactUs', null)


module.exports = server.exports();