The payment extension point allows to define an implementation for a given payment provider.
The Demandware platform allows you to configure a payment provider per payment method. SiteGenesis does now define an API a payment integration needs to comply which allows for plug & play integration. Only the following steps have to be performed such intgrations:
- Get the payment cartridge
- Add it to your workspace/deployment
- Add it to the site's cartridge path
That's it!
The Payment Integration API
Previously in SiteGenesis pipelines were used which followed a naming convention, this approach has been largely reused which means that a payment processor is represented by a module which exports methods as shown below.
* Handles the creation of a payment instrument for the given payment method and processor
* @param {Object} args The arguments passed to the extension point
* @param {dw.order.Basket} args.Basket The current basket
* @param {string} args.PaymentMethodId The ID of the payment method to handle
exports.Handle = function(args){
var basket = args.Basket;
var method = args.PaymentMethod;
var processor = args.PaymentProcessor;
// ...
case 'PAYPAL':
// ...
case default:
return {
* Handles the authorisation of a payment instrument of the given order
* @param {Object} args The arguments passed to the extension point
* @param {dw.order.Order} args.Order The order to authorize
* @param {dw.order.OrderPaymentInstrument} args.PaymentInstrument The payment instrument to authorise (i.e. a credit card)
exports.Authorize = function(args){
// ...
To allow full plug-ability of payment integration the Demandware hook concept is used. This enables cartridges to define certain hooks which can then be executed using the hook manager. A payment integration is then basically a cartridge which defines the payment processor module and registers it properly. If the given processor is selected for a payment method it will automatically find the registered hook and use it for payment processing.
The following hook would have to be defined for a CYBERSPACE payment processor (note the ID of the processor in the name of the hook app.payment.processor.
"hooks": [
"name": "app.payment.processor.CYBERSPACE",
"script": "./payment/CyberspaceProcessor.ds"
SiteGenesis will check if a hook has been registered for the configured processor and if not it falls back to a default processor.