This controller implements the functionality for wishlists.
(static) Add
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~Add
(static) LandingForm
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~LandingForm
(static) ReplaceProductListItem
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~ReplaceProductListItem
(static) Search
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~Search
(static) SetShippingAddress
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~SetShippingAddress
(static) Show
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~Show
(static) ShowOther
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~ShowOther
(static) WishListForm
- Source:
- See:
- module:controllers/Wishlist~WishListForm
(inner) add()
Adds a product given by the HTTP parameter "pid" to the wishlist and displays the updated wishlist.
(inner) addProduct()
Uses request parameters to add a product.
(inner) landingForm()
Forms handling for the landing page
(inner) replaceProductListItem()
Replaces an item in the wishlist.
(inner) setShippingAddress()
Set the shipping address for the wishlist. Expects AddressID to be already stored in the httpParameterMap.
(inner) show()
Renders the wishlist page.
(inner) showOther()
TODO Expects: UserID
(inner) wishListForm()
Forms handler for processing wish lists.