'use strict';
* Standard view used to render most templates.
* @module views/View
var ISML = require('dw/template/ISML');
var Class = require('~/cartridge/scripts/util/Class').Class;
var object = require('~/cartridge/scripts/object');
* View class to pass parameters to the templates and renders the templates.
* Other view modules extend this class.
* @class View
* @extends module:util/Class~Class
* @returns {module:views/View~View}
var View = Class.extend({
/** @lends module:views/View~View.prototype */
* Base class for all view modules. See also {@tutorial Views}.
* Loops through the parameters and passes them to the view.
* @constructs module:views/View~View
* @extends module:util/Class~Class
* @param {Object} params The parameters to pass.
* @see {@link module:object} for information on the extend function.
* @returns {module:views/View~View}
init: function (params) {
// Copies all properties of params to the view.
if (params) {
object.extend(this, params);
return this;
* Renders the current view with the given template. This function gets all of the customer,
* request, and session information that might be needed to render the template and passes it
* to the template for rendering.
* @abstract
* @alias module:views/View~View/render
* @param {String} templateName - The path and name of the template to render.
* The base of the path is assumed to be the templates/default folder in the cartridge, unless a locale is
* selected, in which case it is templates <i>locale</i>. If the template is not found in the current cartridge,
* the cartridge path is searched until a cartridge containing it is found.
* The name of the template is the file name without the file extension.
* @example app.getView().render('account/accountoverview');
* @return {module:views/View~View} Returns the current view.
render: function (templateName) {
templateName = templateName || this.template;
// provide reference to View itself
this.View = this;
// provide Meta
this.Meta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
try {
ISML.renderTemplate(templateName, this);
} catch (e) {
dw.system.Logger.error('Error while rendering template ' + templateName);
throw e;
return this;
/** @type {module:views/View~View.prototype} */
module.exports = View;