'use strict';
* Model for customer profiles.
* @module models/ProfileModel */
/* API Includes */
var AbstractModel = require('./AbstractModel');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var paymentHelpers = require('~/cartridge/scripts/payment/common');
* Profile helper providing enhanced profile functionality
* @class module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel
var ProfileModel = AbstractModel.extend(
/** @lends module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel.prototype */
* Retrieves the preferred customer address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/getPreferredAddress
* @return {dw.customer.CustomerAddress} Address defined as the preferred address in the profile.
getPreferredAddress: function () {
return this.object.getAddressBook().getPreferredAddress();
* Retrieves the default customer shipping address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/getDefaultShippingAddress
* @return {dw.customer.CustomerAddress} Address defined as the preferred address in the profile.
getDefaultShippingAddress: function () {
return this.getPreferredAddress();
* Retrieves the default customer billing address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/getDefaultBillingAddress
* @return {dw.customer.CustomerAddress} Address defined as the preferred address in the profile.
getDefaultBillingAddress: function () {
return this.getPreferredAddress;
* Sets the default customer shipping address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/setDefaultShippingAddress
* @param {CustomerAddress} address new preferred address to be set.
setDefaultShippingAddress: function (address) {
if (this.object instanceof dw.customer.Profile && this.object.addressBook) {
* Sets the default customer billing address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/setDefaultBillingAddress
* @param {dw.customer.CustomerAddress} address new default billing address.
setDefaultBillingAddress: function (address) {
if (this.object instanceof dw.customer.Profile && this.object.addressBook) {
* Checks if address is the default shipping address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/isDefaultShippingAddress
* @param {dw.customer.CustomerAddress} address address to check
* @return {Boolean} true if the address is the default shipping address.
isDefaultShippingAddress: function (address) {
var defaultShippingAddress = this.getDefaultShippingAddress();
return defaultShippingAddress && address && defaultShippingAddress.ID === address.ID;
* Checks if the address is the default billing address.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/isDefaultBillingAddress
* @param {CustomerAddress} address address to check
* @return {Boolean} true if the address is the default billing address.
isDefaultBillingAddress: function (address) {
var defaultBillingAddress = this.getDefaultBillingAddress();
return defaultBillingAddress && address && defaultBillingAddress.ID === address.ID;
* Adds the given address to the address book of the current profile. The address
* attribute "city" is used to generate the address ID within the address book.
* @transactional
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/addAddressToAddressBook
* @param {Object }addressToAdd Address with following attributes:
* <ul><li> address1 </li>
* <li> address2 </li>
* <li> city </li>
* <li> companyName </li>
* <li> countryCode </li>
* <li> firstName </li>
* <li> lastName </li>
* <li> postalCode </li>
* <li> postBox </li>
* <li> stateCode </li></ul>
* <b>Note:</b> dw.customer.CustomerAddress objects can be passed and meet this criteria.
* @returns {dw.customer.CustomerAddress} Address object that is added to the address book.
addAddressToAddressBook: function (addressToAdd) {
var addressBook = this.getAddressBook();
// Gets a possible equivalent address from the address book
var that = this;
return Transaction.wrap(function () {
var address;
if (addressToAdd) {
var usedAddress;
//Checks if the address already exists in the address book
for (var i = 0; i < addressBook.addresses.length; i++) {
usedAddress = addressBook.addresses[i];
if (usedAddress.isEquivalentAddress(addressToAdd)) {
address = usedAddress;
// Creates the new address and copies the address attributes.
if (!address) {
// Gets a unique address ID.
var addressID = that.determineUniqueAddressID(addressToAdd.city);
// Checks on empty address ID.
if (!addressID) {
dw.system.Logger.debug('Cannot add address to address book, with empty address ID.');
} else {
address = addressBook.createAddress(addressID);
// Updates the phone in either the equivalent found address
// or in the newly created address.
return address;
* Determines a unique address ID for an address to be saved in the profiles address book. The function first
* checks the city as the candidate ID or appends a counter to the city (if already used as address ID) and then
* checks the existence of the resulting ID candidate. If the resulting ID is unique this ID is returned, if not
* the counter is incremented and checked again.
* @param {String} city an address ID. Preferably the city used in the address. Must not be null.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/determineUniqueAddressID
* @returns {String | null} Returns a unique address ID. If the city parameter is null, returns null.
determineUniqueAddressID: function (city) {
var accountUtils = require('app_storefront_core/cartridge/scripts/account/Utils');
return accountUtils.determineUniqueAddressID(city, this.getAddressBook());
* Validates payment instruments and returns valid payment instruments.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/validateWalletPaymentInstruments
* @param {String} countryCode Billing country code or null.
* @param {Number} amount Payment amount to check valid payment instruments for.
* @returns {ArrayList} Returns an array with the valid PaymentInstruments.
validateWalletPaymentInstruments: function (countryCode, amount) {
return paymentHelpers.validatePaymentInstruments(this.getWallet(), countryCode, amount);
* Gets a new instance of a profile.
* @alias module:models/ProfileModel~ProfileModel/get
* @param {String | Object } parameter Customer number of the profile to get if a string or
* the profile object to wrap with a ProfileModel if an object.
ProfileModel.get = function (parameter) {
var obj = null;
if (typeof parameter === 'string') {
obj = dw.customer.CustomerMgr.getProfile(parameter);
} else if (typeof parameter === 'object') {
obj = parameter;
} else {
obj = customer.profile;
return new ProfileModel(obj);
/** The profile class */
module.exports = ProfileModel;