'use strict';
* Model for email functionality. Creates an EmailModel class with methods to prepare and get email.
* @module models/EmailModel
var AbstractModel = require('./AbstractModel');
var Mail = require('dw/net/Mail');
var Site = require('dw/system/Site');
var Template = require('dw/util/Template');
* Email helper providing enhanced email functionality
* @class module:models/EmailModel~EmailModel
* @extends module:models/AbstractModel
* @extends dw.net.Mail
* @example
* require('~/models/EmailModel').get('mail/resetpasswordemail', Customer.profile.email)
* .setSubject(dw.web.Resource.msg('email.passwordassistance', 'email', null)).send({
* Customer : Customer,
* ResetPasswordToken : ResetPasswordToken
* });
* @param {String} template The template that is rendered and then sent as email.
* @param {String} recipient The email address where the text of the rendered template is sent.
var EmailModel = AbstractModel.extend({
template: null,
init: function (template, recipient) {
this._super(new Mail());
this.template = template;
// prepare the email object
var mail = this.object;
mail.setFrom(Site.getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('customerServiceEmail') || '[email protected]');
* Prepares the email that is queued to the internal mail system for delivery.
* @alias module:models/EmailModel~EmailModel/send
* @param {Object} args object added to the HashMap used when rendering the email template.
* @returns {dw.system.Status} Status tells whether the mail was successfully queued ( Status.OK) or not ( Status.ERROR).
* If an error is thrown, more information about the reason for the failure can be found within the log files.
* If the mandatory fields from, content, and subject are empty an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. An
* llegalArgumentException is thrown if neither to, cc, nor bcc are set.
send: function (args) {
// Add some default keys
var params = require('~/cartridge/scripts/object').toHashMap(args);
params.CurrentForms = session.forms;
params.CurrentHttpParameterMap = request.httpParameterMap;
params.CurrentCustomer = customer;
// Creates a body template. Renders the template using the params HashMap.
var contentTemplate = new Template(this.template);
params.put('MainContent', contentTemplate.render(params).text);
// @TODO Enable this to allow for a shared pt_email which creates consistent header/footer
// integrate the body in the global content
//var template = new dw.util.Template('mail/pt_email');
//var content = template.render(params);
// Sets the content and sends it.
this.object.setContent(params.MainContent, 'text/html', 'UTF-8');
return this.object.send();
__noSuchMethod__: function (methodName, methodArgs) {
var result = this._super(methodName, methodArgs);
return result === this.object ? this : result;
* Gets a wrapped email instance.
* @alias module:models/EmailModel~EmailModel/get
* @param {String} template The template that is rendered and sent as email.
* @param {String} recipient The email address where the text of the rendered template is sent.
* @returns {module:models/EmailModel~EmailModel}
EmailModel.get = function (template, recipient) {
return new EmailModel(template, recipient);
* Send an email
* @example
* ```
* require('~/cartridge/scripts/models/EmailModel').sendMail({
* recipient: '[email protected]',
* template: 'mail/templatename',
* subject: 'Your order was placed successfully',
* from: '[email protected]',
* context: {
* Order: order
* }
* });
* ````
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.recipient
* @param {String} options.template
* @param {String} options.subject
* @param {String} options.from
* @param {Object} options.context
* @return {dw.system.Status} whether the mail was successfully queued (Status.OK) or not (Status.ERROR).
EmailModel.sendMail = function (options) {
if (!options.template || !options.recipient || !options.subject) {
var mail = new Mail();
mail.setFrom(options.from || Site.getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('customerServiceEmail') || '[email protected]');
var context = require('~/cartridge/scripts/object').toHashMap(options.context);
context.CurrentForms = session.forms;
context.CurrentHttpParameterMap = request.httpParameterMap;
context.CurrentCustomer = customer;
var template = new Template(options.template);
var content = template.render(context).text;
mail.setContent(content, 'text/html', 'UTF-8');
return mail.send();
/** The Email Model class */
module.exports = EmailModel;