'use strict';
* Model to manage customer and login information. Creates a CustomerModel class that with helper methods
* to get and create customers, create and edit accounts, and set or verify login information.
* @module models/CustomerModel
var AbstractModel = require('./AbstractModel');
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var Form = require('~/cartridge/scripts/models/FormModel');
var Email = require('~/cartridge/scripts/models/EmailModel');
* Customer helper providing enhanced content functionality
* @class module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel
* @param {dw.customer.Customer} parameter - The customer object to enhance/wrap.
var CustomerModel = AbstractModel.extend({
* Checks the validity of a password reset token.
* @transactional
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/resetPasswordByToken
resetPasswordByToken: function (token, password) {
var customerInstance;
var resetCustomerPasswordWithTokenResult;
customerInstance = this;
resetCustomerPasswordWithTokenResult = Transaction.wrap(function () {
return customerInstance.object.profile.credentials.setPasswordWithToken(token, password);
if (resetCustomerPasswordWithTokenResult.error) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks the validity of a password reset token.
* @transactional
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/generatePasswordResetToken
generatePasswordResetToken: function () {
var token;
var customerInstance;
customerInstance = this;
token = Transaction.wrap(function () {
return customerInstance.object.profile.credentials.createResetPasswordToken();
return token;
* Gets the current customer or passes in a customer instance.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/get
* @param {dw.customer.Customer} parameter - The customer object to enhance or wrap. If NULL the current customer is
* retrieved from the session.
* @returns {module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel}
CustomerModel.get = function (parameter) {
var obj = null;
if (typeof parameter === 'undefined') {
obj = customer;
} else if (typeof parameter === 'object') {
obj = parameter;
return new CustomerModel(obj);
* Authenticates the current session using the supplied Login and Password. If a different customer is currently
* authenticated in the session, then this customer is "logged out" and her/his privacy and form data are deleted.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/login
* @param {String} username - Login name.
* @param {String} password - Password.
* @param {Boolean} rememberMe - Optional Boolean value indicating whether the customer wants to be remembered on the current
* computer. If a value of <code>true</code> is supplied a cookie identifying the customer is stored upon successful login. If a value
* of <code>false</code> or a null value is supplied, then no cookie is stored and any existing cookie is removed.
* @returns {boolean}
CustomerModel.login = function (username, password, rememberMe) {
var TempCustomer;
var authenticatedCustomer;
TempCustomer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByLogin(username);
// @TODO customer locked currently not handled
if (typeof (TempCustomer) !== 'undefined' && TempCustomer !== null && TempCustomer.profile !== null && TempCustomer.profile.credentials.locked) {
return false;
authenticatedCustomer = Transaction.wrap(function () {
return CustomerMgr.loginCustomer(username, password, rememberMe);
if (authenticatedCustomer === null) {
if (typeof (TempCustomer) !== 'undefined' && TempCustomer !== null && TempCustomer.profile !== null && TempCustomer.profile.credentials.locked) {
Email.get('mail/lockoutemail', TempCustomer.profile.email).setSubject((dw.web.Resource.msg('resource.youraccount', 'email', null))).send({
TempCustomer: TempCustomer
return false;
// @FIXME Rather return a customer instance
return true;
* Logs out the customer currently logged into the storefront.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/logout
CustomerModel.logout = function () {
var rememberMe = Form.get('profile.login.rememberme').value();
* Looks up a customer by its login.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/getCustomerbyLogin
* @param {String} login - Login used to retrieve customer.
CustomerModel.retrieveCustomerByLogin = function (login) {
var customerByLogin = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByLogin(login);
if (customerByLogin === null) {
return null;
return this.get(customerByLogin);
* Creates a customer.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/createNewCustomer
* @param {String} login - Login for the customer.
* A valid login name is between 1 and 256 characters in length, not counting leading or trailing whitespace,
* and may contain only the following characters:
* - alphanumeric (Unicode letters or decimal digits)
* - space
* - period
* - dash
* - underscore
* - @
* @param {String} password - Plain customer password, which is encrypted before it is stored at the profile..
CustomerModel.createNewCustomer = function (login, password) {
var newCustomer = CustomerMgr.createCustomer(login, password);
if (newCustomer === null) {
return null;
return this.get(newCustomer);
* Sets the customer's login.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/setLogin
* @param customer - The customer.
* @param {String} login - Login for the customer.
* A valid login name is between 1 and 256 characters in length, not counting leading or trailing whitespace,
* and may contain only the following characters:
* - alphanumeric (Unicode letters or decimal digits)
* - space
* - period
* - dash
* - underscore
* - @
* @param {String} password - Plain customer password for the current customer, which is encrypted before it is stored at the profile.
* @return <code>true</code> if the login or password was updated.
CustomerModel.setLogin = function (customerToSet, login, password) {
//@FIXME Put on customer scope vs. passing in customer
if ((customerToSet === null) || (login === null) || (password === null) || (customerToSet.profile === null)) {
return false;
var result = customerToSet.profile.credentials.setLogin(login, password);
return result;
* Creates a new customer account.
* @transactional
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/createAccount
* @param {String} email - The current customer email address to use for login.
* @param {String} password - The password of the customer.
* @param {dw.web.Form} form - The form instance to invalidate.
* @return <code>true</code> if the account was created successfully.
* @see module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/createNewCustomer
* @see module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/setLogin
CustomerModel.createAccount = function (email, password, form) {
// Creates a new customer.
var newCustomer, rememberMe;
newCustomer = CustomerModel.createNewCustomer(email, password);
if (newCustomer === null || newCustomer.object === null) {
return false;
if (!Form.get('profile.customer').copyTo(newCustomer.object.profile)) {
return false;
// Sets login and password for customer.
if (!this.setLogin(newCustomer.object, email, password)) {
return false;
rememberMe = Form.get('profile.login.rememberme').value();
// Logs the customer in.
return Transaction.wrap(function () {
return CustomerMgr.loginCustomer(email, password, rememberMe);
* Checks if the user name exists and communicates the status back.
* @return <code>true</code> if the login matches the email for the customer
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/checkUserName
CustomerModel.checkUserName = function () {
//@FIXME get email as parameter
var profileForm;
var customerByLogin;
profileForm = session.forms.profile;
if (customer.profile.credentials.login === profileForm.customer.email.value) {
return true;
customerByLogin = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByLogin(profileForm.customer.email.value);
if (customerByLogin === null) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks validity of a password reset token.
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/getByPasswordResetToken
* @param token the token to validate
* @return customer record assocated with the token or null if the token is expired or not associated with
* a customer record.
CustomerModel.getByPasswordResetToken = function (token) {
var result;
var customerByPasswordToken;
if (empty(token)) {
result = null;
} else {
customerByPasswordToken = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByToken(token);
if (customerByPasswordToken === null) {
result = null;
} else {
result = CustomerModel.get(customerByPasswordToken);
return result;
* Updates a customer account with form data.
* @transactional
* @alias module:models/CustomerModel~CustomerModel/editAccount
* @param email the current customer email address to use for login
* @param password the password of the current customer
* @param form the form to invalidate
* @return <code>true</code> if transaction is successfully committed, <code>false</code> if
* <ul><li>the customer password cannot be set
* </li><li>the customer login cannot be set
* </li><li>the new password cannot be saved to the customer profile.</li></ul>
CustomerModel.editAccount = function (email, password, currentPassword, form) {
var newPassword = password;
var oldPassword = currentPassword;
var setCustomerPassword = customer.profile.credentials.setPassword(newPassword, oldPassword, true);
if (setCustomerPassword.error || !CustomerModel.setLogin(customer, email, password) || !Form.get('profile.customer').copyTo(customer.profile)) {
return false;
return true;
/** The customer class */
module.exports = CustomerModel;