'use strict';
* This is a collection of decorators for functions which performs several security checks.
* They can be combined with each other to configure the necessary constraints for a function that is exposed to the Internet.
* @module guard
* @example
* <caption>Example of an Account controller</caption>
* function show() {
* // shows account landing page
* }
* // allow only GET requests via HTTPS for logged in users
* exports.Show = require('~/guard').ensure(['get','https','loggedIn'],show);
var CSRFProtection = require('dw/web/CSRFProtection');
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');
var browsing = require('~/cartridge/scripts/util/Browsing');
var LOGGER = dw.system.Logger.getLogger('guard');
* This method contains the login to handle a not logged in customer
* @param {Object} params Parameters passed along by by ensure
function requireLogin(params) {
if (customer.authenticated) {
return true;
var redirectUrl = dw.web.URLUtils.https('Login-Show','original', browsing.lastUrl());
if (params && params.scope) {
redirectUrl.append('scope', params.scope);
return false;
* Performs a protocol switch for the URL of the current request to HTTPS. Responds with a redirect to the client.
* @return false, if switching is not possible (for example, because its a POST request)
function switchToHttps() {
if (request.httpMethod !== 'GET') {
// switching is not possible, send error 403 (forbidden)
return false;
var url = 'https://' + request.httpHost + request.httpPath;
if (!empty(request.httpQueryString)) {
url += '?' + request.httpQueryString;
return true;
function csrfValidationFailed() {
if (request.httpParameterMap.format.stringValue === 'ajax') {
let r = require('~/cartridge/scripts/util/Response');
error: 'CSRF Token Mismatch'
} else {
return false;
* The available filters for endpoints, the names of the methods can be used in {@link module:guard~ensure}
* @namespace
var Filters = {
/** Action must be accessed via HTTPS */
https: function () {return request.isHttpSecure();},
/** Action must be accessed via HTTP */
http: function () {return !this.https();},
/** Action must be accessed via a GET request */
get: function () {return request.httpMethod === 'GET';},
/** Action must be accessed via a POST request */
post: function () {return request.httpMethod === 'POST';},
/** Action must only be accessed authenticated csutomers */
loggedIn: function () {return customer.authenticated;},
/** Action must only be used as remote include */
include: function () {
// the main request will be something like kjhNd1UlX_80AgAK-0-00, all includes
// have incremented trailing counters
return request.httpHeaders['x-is-requestid'].indexOf('-0-00') === -1;
csrf: function (){
return CSRFProtection.validateRequest();
* This function should be used to secure public endpoints by applying a set of predefined filters.
* @param {string[]} filters The filters which need to be passed to access the page
* @param {function} action The action which represents the resource to show
* @param {Object} params Additional parameters which are passed to all filters and the action
* @see module:guard~Filters
* @see module:guard
function ensure (filters, action, params) {
return expose(function (args) {
var error;
var filtersPassed = true;
var errors = [];
params = require('~/cartridge/scripts/object').extend(params,args);
for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
LOGGER.debug('Ensuring guard "{0}"...',filters[i]);
filtersPassed = Filters[filters[i]].apply(Filters);
if (!filtersPassed) {
if (filters[i] === 'https') {
error = switchToHttps;
} else if (filters[i] === 'loggedIn') {
error = requireLogin;
} else if (filters[i] === 'csrf') {
error = csrfValidationFailed;
if (!error) {
error = function () {
throw new Error('Guard(s) ' + errors.join('|') + ' did not match the incoming request.');
if (filtersPassed) {
return action(params);
} else {
LOGGER.debug('...failed. {0}',error.name);
return error(params);
* Exposes the given action to be accessible from the web. The action gets a property which marks it as exposed. This
* property is checked by the platform.
function expose(action) {
action.public = true;
return action;
* Module exports
/** @see module:guard~expose */
exports.all = expose;
// often needed combinations
* @see module:guard~https
* @see module:guard~get
* @deprecated Use ensure(['https','get'], action) instead
exports.httpsGet = function (action) {
return ensure(['https','get'], action);
* @see module:guard~https
* @see module:guard~post
* @deprecated Use ensure(['https','post'], action) instead
exports.httpsPost = function (action) {
return ensure(['https','post'], action);
* Use this method to combine different filters, typically this is used to secure methods when exporting
* them as publicly avaiblable endpoints in controllers.
* @example
* // allow only GET requests for the Show endpoint
* exports.Show = require('~/guard').ensure(['get'],show);
* // allow only POST requests via HTTPS for the Find endpoint
* exports.Find = require('~/guard').ensure(['post','https'],find);
* // allow only logged in customer via HTTPS for the Profile endpoint
* exports.Profile = require('~/guard').ensure(['https','loggedIn'],profile);
exports.ensure = ensure;