'use strict';
* Controller that manages the order history of a registered user.
* @module controllers/Order
/* API Includes */
var ContentMgr = require('dw/content/ContentMgr');
var OrderMgr = require('dw/order/OrderMgr');
var PagingModel = require('dw/web/PagingModel');
/* Script Modules */
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');
var guard = require('~/cartridge/scripts/guard');
* Renders a page with the order history of the current logged in customer.
* Creates a PagingModel for the orders with information from the httpParameterMap.
* Invalidates and clears the orders.orderlist form. Updates the page metadata. Sets the
* ContinueURL property to Order-Orders and renders the order history page (account/orderhistory/orders template).
function history() {
var orders = OrderMgr.searchOrders('customerNo={0} AND status!={1}', 'creationDate desc',
customer.profile.customerNo, dw.order.Order.ORDER_STATUS_REPLACED);
var parameterMap = request.httpParameterMap;
var pageSize = parameterMap.sz.intValue || 5;
var start = parameterMap.start.intValue || 0;
var orderPagingModel = new PagingModel(orders, orders.count);
var orderListForm = app.getForm('orders.orderlist');
var pageMeta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
OrderPagingModel: orderPagingModel,
ContinueURL: dw.web.URLUtils.https('Order-Orders')
* Gets an OrderView and renders the order detail page (account/orderhistory/orderdetails template). If there is an error,
* redirects to the {@link module:controllers/Order~history|history} function.
function orders() {
var orderListForm = app.getForm('orders.orderlist');
show: function (formGroup, action) {
var Order = action.object;
app.getView({Order: Order}).render('account/orderhistory/orderdetails');
error: function () {
* Renders a page with details of a single order. This function
* renders the order details by the UUID of the order, therefore it can also be used
* for unregistered customers to track the status of their orders. It
* renders the order details page (account/orderhistory/orderdetails template), even
* if the order cannot be found.
function track () {
var parameterMap = request.httpParameterMap;
if (empty(parameterMap.orderID.stringValue)) {
return response;
var uuid = parameterMap.orderID.stringValue;
var orders = OrderMgr.searchOrders('UUID={0} AND status!={1}', 'creationDate desc', uuid, dw.order.Order.ORDER_STATUS_REPLACED);
if (empty(orders)) {
var Order = orders.next();
app.getView({Order: Order}).render('account/orderhistory/orderdetails');
* Module exports
* Web exposed methods
/** Renders a page with the order history of the current logged in customer.
* @see module:controllers/Order~history */
exports.History = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], history);
/** Renders the order detail page.
* @see module:controllers/Order~orders */
exports.Orders = guard.ensure(['post', 'https', 'loggedIn'], orders);
/** Renders a page with details of a single order.
* @see module:controllers/Order~track */
exports.Track = guard.ensure(['get', 'https'], track);