
SiteGenesis / Server-side JS / Source: app_storefront_controllers/cartridge/controllers/Link.js

'use strict';

 * Controller that forwards calls to other controllers. It supports legacy code where
 * content assets linked to this controller only. For all new code, link to the respective
 * controller directly (Search-Show, Product-Show, etc.)
 * @module controllers/Link

/* Script Modules */
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');

 * Required for $link-category()$ HTML attribute directive.
 * @deprecated Use $url('Search-Show','cgid','...') instead
exports.Category = app.getController('Search').Show;

 * Required for $link-categoryproduct()$ HTML attribute directive.
 * @deprecated Use $url('Product-Show','pid','...','cgid','...') instead
exports.CategoryProduct = app.getController('Product').Show;

 * Required for $link-product()$ HTML attribute directive.
 * @deprecated Use $url('Product-Show','pid','...') instead
exports.Product = app.getController('Product').Show;

 * Required for $link-page()$ HTML attribute directive.
 * @deprecated Use $url('Page-Show','cid','...') instead
exports.Page = app.getController('Page').Show;