'use strict';
* This controller implements the last step of the checkout. A successful handling
* of billing address and payment method selection leads to this controller. It
* provides the customer with a last overview of the basket prior to confirm the
* final order creation.
* @module controllers/COSummary
/* API Includes */
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
/* Script Modules */
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');
var guard = require('~/cartridge/scripts/guard');
var Cart = app.getModel('Cart');
* Renders the summary page prior to order creation.
* @param {Object} context context object used for the view
function start(context) {
var cart = Cart.get();
// Checks whether all payment methods are still applicable. Recalculates all existing non-gift certificate payment
// instrument totals according to redeemed gift certificates or additional discounts granted through coupon
// redemptions on this page.
var COBilling = app.getController('COBilling');
if (!COBilling.ValidatePayment(cart)) {
} else {
Transaction.wrap(function () {
Transaction.wrap(function () {
if (!cart.calculatePaymentTransactionTotal()) {
var pageMeta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
var viewContext = require('app_storefront_core/cartridge/scripts/common/extend').immutable(context, {
Basket: cart.object
pageMeta.update({pageTitle: Resource.msg('summary.meta.pagetitle', 'checkout', 'SiteGenesis Checkout')});
* This function is called when the "Place Order" action is triggered by the
* customer.
function submit() {
// Calls the COPlaceOrder controller that does the place order action and any payment authorization.
// COPlaceOrder returns a JSON object with an order_created key and a boolean value if the order was created successfully.
// If the order creation failed, it returns a JSON object with an error key and a boolean value.
var placeOrderResult = app.getController('COPlaceOrder').Start();
if (placeOrderResult.error) {
PlaceOrderError: placeOrderResult.PlaceOrderError
} else if (placeOrderResult.order_created) {
* Renders the order confirmation page after successful order
* creation. If a nonregistered customer has checked out, the confirmation page
* provides a "Create Account" form. This function handles the
* account creation.
function showConfirmation(order) {
if (!customer.authenticated) {
// Initializes the account creation form for guest checkouts by populating the first and last name with the
// used billing address.
var customerForm = app.getForm('profile.customer');
customerForm.setValue('firstname', order.billingAddress.firstName);
customerForm.setValue('lastname', order.billingAddress.lastName);
customerForm.setValue('email', order.customerEmail);
customerForm.setValue('orderNo', order.orderNo);
var pageMeta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
pageMeta.update({pageTitle: Resource.msg('confirmation.meta.pagetitle', 'checkout', 'SiteGenesis Checkout Confirmation')});
Order: order,
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-RegistrationForm') // needed by registration form after anonymous checkouts
* Module exports
* Web exposed methods
/** @see module:controllers/COSummary~Start */
exports.Start = guard.ensure(['https'], start);
/** @see module:controllers/COSummary~Submit */
exports.Submit = guard.ensure(['https', 'post', 'csrf'], submit);
* Local method
exports.ShowConfirmation = showConfirmation;