'use strict';
* Controller that creates an order from the current basket. It's a pure processing controller and does
* no page rendering. The controller is used by checkout and is called upon the triggered place order action.
* It contains the actual logic to authorize the payment and create the order. The controller communicates the result
* of the order creation process and uses a status object PlaceOrderError to set proper error states.
* The calling controller is must handle the results of the order creation and evaluate any errors returned by it.
* @module controllers/COPlaceOrder
/* API Includes */
var OrderMgr = require('dw/order/OrderMgr');
var PaymentMgr = require('dw/order/PaymentMgr');
var Status = require('dw/system/Status');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
/* Script Modules */
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');
var guard = require('~/cartridge/scripts/guard');
var Cart = app.getModel('Cart');
var Order = app.getModel('Order');
var PaymentProcessor = app.getModel('PaymentProcessor');
* Responsible for payment handling. This function uses PaymentProcessorModel methods to
* handle payment processing specific to each payment instrument. It returns an
* error if any of the authorizations failed or a payment
* instrument is of an unknown payment method. If a payment method has no
* payment processor assigned, the payment is accepted as authorized.
* @transactional
* @param {dw.order.Order} order - the order to handle payments for.
* @return {Object} JSON object containing information about missing payments, errors, or an empty object if the function is successful.
function handlePayments(order) {
if (order.getTotalNetPrice() !== 0.00) {
var paymentInstruments = order.getPaymentInstruments();
if (paymentInstruments.length === 0) {
return {
missingPaymentInfo: true
* Sets the transaction ID for the payment instrument.
var handlePaymentTransaction = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < paymentInstruments.length; i++) {
var paymentInstrument = paymentInstruments[i];
if (PaymentMgr.getPaymentMethod(paymentInstrument.getPaymentMethod()).getPaymentProcessor() === null) {
} else {
var authorizationResult = PaymentProcessor.authorize(order, paymentInstrument);
if (authorizationResult.not_supported || authorizationResult.error) {
return {
error: true
return {};
* The entry point for order creation. This function is not exported, as this controller must only
* be called by another controller.
* @transactional
* @return {Object} JSON object that is empty, contains error information, or PlaceOrderError status information.
function start() {
var cart = Cart.get();
if (!cart) {
return {};
var COShipping = app.getController('COShipping');
// Clean shipments.
// Make sure there is a valid shipping address, accounting for gift certificates that do not have one.
if (cart.getProductLineItems().size() > 0 && cart.getDefaultShipment().getShippingAddress() === null) {
return {};
// Make sure the billing step is fulfilled, otherwise restart checkout.
if (!session.forms.billing.fulfilled.value) {
return {};
Transaction.wrap(function () {
var COBilling = app.getController('COBilling');
Transaction.wrap(function () {
if (!COBilling.ValidatePayment(cart)) {
return {};
// Recalculate the payments. If there is only gift certificates, make sure it covers the order total, if not
// back to billing page.
Transaction.wrap(function () {
if (!cart.calculatePaymentTransactionTotal()) {
return {};
// Handle used addresses and credit cards.
var saveCCResult = COBilling.SaveCreditCard();
if (!saveCCResult) {
return {
error: true,
PlaceOrderError: new Status(Status.ERROR, 'confirm.error.technical')
// Creates a new order. This will internally ReserveInventoryForOrder and will create a new Order with status
// 'Created'.
var order = cart.createOrder();
if (!order) {
// TODO - need to pass BasketStatus to Cart-Show ?
return {};
var handlePaymentsResult = handlePayments(order);
if (handlePaymentsResult.error) {
return Transaction.wrap(function () {
return {
error: true,
PlaceOrderError: new Status(Status.ERROR, 'confirm.error.technical')
} else if (handlePaymentsResult.missingPaymentInfo) {
return Transaction.wrap(function () {
return {
error: true,
PlaceOrderError: new Status(Status.ERROR, 'confirm.error.technical')
var orderPlacementStatus = Order.submit(order);
if (!orderPlacementStatus.error) {
return orderPlacementStatus;
function clearForms() {
// Clears all forms used in the checkout process.
* Asynchronous Callbacks for OCAPI. These functions result in a JSON response.
* Sets the payment instrument information in the form from values in the httpParameterMap.
* Checks that the payment instrument selected is valid and authorizes the payment. Renders error
* message information if the payment is not authorized.
function submitPaymentJSON() {
var order = Order.get(request.httpParameterMap.order_id.stringValue);
if (!order.object || request.httpParameterMap.order_token.stringValue !== order.getOrderToken()) {
var requestObject = JSON.parse(request.httpParameterMap.requestBodyAsString);
var form = session.forms.billing.paymentMethods;
for (var requestObjectItem in requestObject) {
var asyncPaymentMethodResponse = requestObject[requestObjectItem];
var terms = requestObjectItem.split('_');
if (terms[0] === 'creditCard') {
var value = (terms[1] === 'month' || terms[1] === 'year') ?
Number(asyncPaymentMethodResponse) : asyncPaymentMethodResponse;
} else if (terms[0] === 'selectedPaymentMethodID') {
if (app.getController('COBilling').HandlePaymentSelection('cart').error || handlePayments().error) {
* Asynchronous Callbacks for SiteGenesis.
* Identifies if an order exists, submits the order, and shows a confirmation message.
function submit() {
var order = Order.get(request.httpParameterMap.order_id.stringValue);
var orderPlacementStatus;
if (order.object && request.httpParameterMap.order_token.stringValue === order.getOrderToken()) {
orderPlacementStatus = Order.submit(order.object);
if (!orderPlacementStatus.error) {
return app.getController('COSummary').ShowConfirmation(order.object);
* Module exports
* Web exposed methods
/** @see module:controllers/COPlaceOrder~submitPaymentJSON */
exports.SubmitPaymentJSON = guard.ensure(['https'], submitPaymentJSON);
/** @see module:controllers/COPlaceOrder~submitPaymentJSON */
exports.Submit = guard.ensure(['https'], submit);
* Local methods
exports.Start = start;