'use strict';
* Controller that provides functions for editing, adding, and removing addresses in a customer addressbook.
* It also sets the default address in the addressbook.
* @module controllers/Address
/* API Includes */
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
/* Script Modules */
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');
var guard = require('~/cartridge/scripts/guard');
* Gets a ContentModel that wraps the myaccount-addresses content asset.
* Updates the page metadata and renders the addresslist template.
function list() {
var pageMeta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
var content = app.getModel('Content').get('myaccount-addresses');
if (content) {
* Clears the profile form and renders the addressdetails template.
function add() {
Action: 'add',
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Address-Form')
* Gets an AddressModel object. Gets the customeraddress form.
* Handles the address form actions:
* - cancel and error - if the HTTPParameterMap format value is ajax, returns an error message,
* otherwise redirects to the Address-List controller function.
* - create - if the address is valid, creates the address. If address creation fails, redirects to the Address-Add controller.
* - edit - if the address is valid, updates the address. If the address is invalid or the update fails, displays an error message.
* - remove - removes the address. If the address removal fails, displays an error message.
function handleForm() {
var Address;
var success;
var message;
Address = app.getModel('Address');
var addressForm = app.getForm('customeraddress');
cancel: function () {
success = false;
create: function () {
if (!session.forms.profile.address.valid || !Address.create(session.forms.profile.address)) {
success = false;
success = true;
edit: function () {
if (!session.forms.profile.address.valid) {
success = false;
message = 'Form is invalid';
try {
Address.update(request.httpParameterMap.addressid.value, session.forms.profile.address);
success = true;
} catch (e) {
success = false;
message = e.message;
error: function () {
success = false;
remove: function () {
if (Address.remove(session.forms.profile.address.addressid.value)) {
success = false;
if (request.httpParameterMap.format.stringValue === 'ajax') {
let r = require('~/cartridge/scripts/util/Response');
success: success,
message: message
* Clears the profile form and gets the addressBook for the current customer.
* Copies address information from the stored customer profile into the profile form.
* Renders the addressdetails form and passes the address information to the template.
function edit() {
var profileForm, addressBook, address;
profileForm = session.forms.profile;
// Gets address to be edited.
addressBook = customer.profile.addressBook;
address = addressBook.getAddress(request.httpParameterMap.AddressID.value);
Action: 'edit',
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Address-Form'),
Address: address
* Gets the addressBook for the current customer. Gets an address from the addressBook based on the Address ID in the httpParameterMap.
* Sets the default address. Redirects to the Address-List controller function.
function setDefault() {
var addressBook, address;
addressBook = customer.profile.addressBook;
address = addressBook.getAddress(request.httpParameterMap.AddressID.value);
Transaction.wrap(function () {
* Gets the addressBook for the current customer Returns a customer address as a JSON response by rendering the
* addressjson template. Required to fill address form with selected address from address book.
function getAddressDetails() {
var addressBook = customer.profile.addressBook;
var address = addressBook.getAddress(request.httpParameterMap.addressID.value);
Address: address
* Removes an address based on the Address ID in the httpParameterMap. If the httpParameterMap format value is set to ajax,
* redirects to the Address-List controller function. Otherwise, renders an error message.
function Delete() {
var CustomerStatusCodes = require('dw/customer/CustomerStatusCodes');
var deleteAddressResult = app.getModel('Address').remove(decodeURIComponent(request.httpParameterMap.AddressID.value));
if (request.httpParameterMap.format.stringValue !== 'ajax') {
let r = require('~/cartridge/scripts/util/Response');
status: deleteAddressResult ? 'OK' : CustomerStatusCodes.CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_REFERENCED_BY_PRODUCT_LIST,
message: deleteAddressResult ? '' : Resource.msg('addressdetails.' + CustomerStatusCodes.CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_REFERENCED_BY_PRODUCT_LIST, 'account', null)
* Web exposed methods
/** Lists addresses in the customer profile.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~list} */
exports.List = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], list);
/** Renders a dialog for adding a new address to the address book.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~add} */
exports.Add = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], add);
/** Renders a dialog for editing an existing address.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~edit} */
exports.Edit = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], edit);
/** The address form handler.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~handleForm} */
exports.Form = guard.ensure(['post', 'https', 'loggedIn', 'csrf'], handleForm);
/** Sets the default address for the customer address book.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~setDefault} */
exports.SetDefault = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], setDefault);
/** Sets the default address.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~getAddressDetails} */
exports.GetAddressDetails = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], getAddressDetails);
/** Deletes an existing address.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Address~Delete} */
exports.Delete = guard.ensure(['https', 'loggedIn'], Delete);