'use strict';
* Controller that renders the account overview, manages customer registration and password reset,
* and edits customer profile information.
* @module controllers/Account
/* API includes */
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var Form = require('~/cartridge/scripts/models/FormModel');
var OrderMgr = require('dw/order/OrderMgr');
/* Script Modules */
var app = require('~/cartridge/scripts/app');
var guard = require('~/cartridge/scripts/guard');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
* Gets a ContentModel object that wraps the myaccount-home content asset,
* updates the page metadata, and renders the account/accountoverview template.
function show() {
var accountHomeAsset, pageMeta, Content;
Content = app.getModel('Content');
accountHomeAsset = Content.get('myaccount-home');
pageMeta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
* Clears the profile form and copies customer profile information from the customer global variable
* to the form. Gets a ContentModel object that wraps the myaccount-personaldata content asset, and updates the page
* meta data. Renders the account/user/registration template using an anonymous view.
function editProfile() {
var pageMeta;
var accountPersonalDataAsset;
var Content = app.getModel('Content');
if (!request.httpParameterMap.invalid.submitted) {
accountPersonalDataAsset = Content.get('myaccount-personaldata');
pageMeta = require('~/cartridge/scripts/meta');
// @FIXME bctext2 should generate out of pagemeta - also action?!
bctext2: Resource.msg('account.user.registration.editaccount', 'account', null),
Action: 'edit',
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-EditForm')
* Handles the form submission on profile update of edit profile. Handles cancel and confirm actions.
* - cancel - clears the profile form and redirects to the Account-Show controller function.
* - confirm - gets a CustomerModel object that wraps the current customer. Validates several form fields.
* If any of the profile validation conditions fail, the user is redirected to the Account-EditProfile controller function. If the profile is valid, the user is redirected to the Account-Show controller function.
function editForm() {
cancel: function () {
confirm: function () {
var isProfileUpdateValid = true;
var hasEditSucceeded = false;
var Customer = app.getModel('Customer');
if (!Customer.checkUserName()) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (app.getForm('profile.customer.email').value() !== app.getForm('profile.customer.emailconfirm').value()) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (!app.getForm('profile.login.password').value()) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (isProfileUpdateValid) {
hasEditSucceeded = Customer.editAccount(app.getForm('profile.customer.email').value(), app.getForm('profile.login.password').value(), app.getForm('profile.login.password').value(), app.getForm('profile'));
if (!hasEditSucceeded) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (isProfileUpdateValid && hasEditSucceeded) {
} else {
response.redirect(URLUtils.https('Account-EditProfile', 'invalid', 'true'));
changepassword: function () {
var isProfileUpdateValid = true;
var hasEditSucceeded = false;
var Customer = app.getModel('Customer');
if (!Customer.checkUserName()) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (!app.getForm('profile.login.currentpassword').value()) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (app.getForm('profile.login.newpassword').value() !== app.getForm('profile.login.newpasswordconfirm').value()) {
isProfileUpdateValid = false;
if (isProfileUpdateValid) {
hasEditSucceeded = Customer.editAccount(app.getForm('profile.customer.email').value(), app.getForm('profile.login.newpassword').value(), app.getForm('profile.login.currentpassword').value(), app.getForm('profile'));
if (!hasEditSucceeded) {
if (isProfileUpdateValid && hasEditSucceeded) {
} else {
response.redirect(URLUtils.https('Account-EditProfile', 'invalid', 'true'));
error: function () {
response.redirect(URLUtils.https('Account-EditProfile', 'invalid', 'true'));
* Gets the requestpassword form and renders the requestpasswordreset template. This is similar to the password reset
* dialog, but has a screen-based interaction instead of a popup interaction.
function passwordReset() {
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-PasswordResetForm')
* Handles form submission from dialog and full page password reset. Handles cancel, send, and error actions.
* - cancel - renders the given template.
* - send - gets a CustomerModel object that wraps the current customer. Gets an EmailModel object that wraps an Email object.
* Checks whether the customer requested the their login password be reset.
* If the customer wants to reset, a password reset token is generated and an email is sent to the customer using the mail/resetpasswordemail template.
* Then the account/password/requestpasswordreset_confirm template is rendered.
* - error - the given template is rendered and passed an error code.
function passwordResetFormHandler(templateName, continueURL) {
var resetPasswordToken, passwordemail;
cancel: function () {
ContinueURL: continueURL
send: function () {
var Customer, resettingCustomer, Email;
Customer = app.getModel('Customer');
Email = app.getModel('Email');
var requestForm = Form.get('requestpassword').object.email.htmlValue;
resettingCustomer = Customer.retrieveCustomerByLogin(requestForm);
if (!empty(resettingCustomer)) {
resetPasswordToken = resettingCustomer.generatePasswordResetToken();
passwordemail = Email.get('mail/resetpasswordemail', resettingCustomer.object.profile.email);
passwordemail.setSubject(Resource.msg('resource.passwordassistance', 'email', null));
ResetPasswordToken: resetPasswordToken,
Customer: resettingCustomer.object.profile.customer
//for security reasons the same message will be shown for a valid reset password request as for a invalid one
ErrorCode: null,
ShowContinue: true,
ContinueURL: continueURL
error: function () {
ErrorCode: 'formnotvalid',
ContinueURL: continueURL
* The form handler for password resets.
function passwordResetForm() {
passwordResetFormHandler('account/password/requestpasswordreset', URLUtils.https('Account-PasswordResetForm'));
* Clears the requestpassword form and renders the account/password/requestpasswordresetdialog template.
function passwordResetDialog() {
// @FIXME reimplement using dialogify
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-PasswordResetDialogForm')
* Handles the password reset form.
function passwordResetDialogForm() {
// @FIXME reimplement using dialogify
passwordResetFormHandler('account/password/requestpasswordresetdialog', URLUtils.https('Account-PasswordResetDialogForm'));
* Gets a CustomerModel wrapping the current customer. Clears the resetpassword form. Checks if the customer wants to reset their password.
* If there is no reset token, redirects to the Account-PasswordReset controller function. If there is a reset token,
* renders the screen for setting a new password.
function setNewPassword() {
var Customer, resettingCustomer;
Customer = app.getModel('Customer');
resettingCustomer = Customer.getByPasswordResetToken(request.httpParameterMap.Token.getStringValue());
if (empty(resettingCustomer)) {
} else {
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-SetNewPasswordForm')
* Gets a profile form and handles the cancel and send actions.
* - cancel - renders the setnewpassword template.
* - send - gets a CustomerModel object that wraps the current customer and gets an EmailModel object that wraps an Email object.
* Checks whether the customer can be retrieved using a reset password token.
* If the customer does not have a valid token, the controller redirects to the Account-PasswordReset controller function.
* If they do, then an email is sent to the customer using the mail/setpasswordemail template and the setnewpassword_confirm template is rendered.
* */
function setNewPasswordForm() {
cancel: function () {
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-SetNewPasswordForm')
send: function () {
var Customer;
var Email;
var passwordChangedMail;
var resettingCustomer;
var success;
Customer = app.getModel('Customer');
Email = app.getModel('Email');
resettingCustomer = Customer.getByPasswordResetToken(request.httpParameterMap.Token.getStringValue());
if (!resettingCustomer) {
if (app.getForm('resetpassword.password').value() !== app.getForm('resetpassword.passwordconfirm').value()) {
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-SetNewPasswordForm')
} else {
success = resettingCustomer.resetPasswordByToken(request.httpParameterMap.Token.getStringValue(), app.getForm('resetpassword.password').value());
if (!success) {
ErrorCode: 'formnotvalid',
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-SetNewPasswordForm')
} else {
passwordChangedMail = Email.get('mail/passwordchangedemail', resettingCustomer.object.profile.email);
passwordChangedMail.setSubject(Resource.msg('resource.passwordassistance', 'email', null));
Customer: resettingCustomer.object
/** Clears the profile form, adds the email address from login as the profile email address,
* and renders customer registration page.
function startRegister() {
if (app.getForm('login.username').value() !== null) {
app.getForm('profile.customer.email').object.value = app.getForm('login.username').object.value;
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-RegistrationForm')
* Gets a CustomerModel object wrapping the current customer.
* Gets a profile form and handles the confirm action.
* confirm - validates the profile by checking that the email and password fields:
* - match the emailconfirm and passwordconfirm fields
* - are not duplicates of existing username and password fields for the profile
* If the fields are not valid, the registration template is rendered.
* If the fields are valid, a new customer account is created, the profile form is cleared and
* the customer is redirected to the Account-Show controller function.
function registrationForm() {
confirm: function () {
var email, emailConfirmation, orderNo, profileValidation, password, passwordConfirmation, existingCustomer, Customer, target;
Customer = app.getModel('Customer');
email = app.getForm('profile.customer.email').value();
emailConfirmation = app.getForm('profile.customer.emailconfirm').value();
orderNo = app.getForm('profile.customer.orderNo').value();
profileValidation = true;
if (email !== emailConfirmation) {
profileValidation = false;
password = app.getForm('profile.login.password').value();
passwordConfirmation = app.getForm('profile.login.passwordconfirm').value();
if (password !== passwordConfirmation) {
profileValidation = false;
// Checks if login is already taken.
existingCustomer = Customer.retrieveCustomerByLogin(email);
if (existingCustomer !== null) {
profileValidation = false;
if (profileValidation) {
profileValidation = Customer.createAccount(email, password, app.getForm('profile'));
if (orderNo) {
var orders = OrderMgr.searchOrders('orderNo={0} AND status!={1}', 'creationDate desc', orderNo,
if (orders) {
var foundOrder = orders.next();
foundOrder.customer = profileValidation;
session.custom.TargetLocation = URLUtils.https('Account-Show','Registration','true');
if (!profileValidation) {
// TODO redirect
ContinueURL: URLUtils.https('Account-RegistrationForm')
} else {
target = session.custom.TargetLocation;
if (target) {
delete session.custom.TargetLocation;
//@TODO make sure only path, no hosts are allowed as redirect target
dw.system.Logger.info('Redirecting to "{0}" after successful login', target);
} else {
response.redirect(URLUtils.https('Account-Show', 'registration', 'true'));
* Renders the accountnavigation template.
function includeNavigation() {
/* Web exposed methods */
/** Renders the account overview.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~show} */
exports.Show = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], show);
/** Updates the profile of an authenticated customer.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~editProfile} */
exports.EditProfile = guard.ensure(['get', 'https', 'loggedIn'], editProfile);
/** Handles the form submission on profile update of edit profile.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~editForm} */
exports.EditForm = guard.ensure(['post', 'https', 'loggedIn', 'csrf'], editForm);
/** Renders the password reset dialog.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~passwordResetDialog} */
exports.PasswordResetDialog = guard.ensure(['get', 'https'], passwordResetDialog);
/** Renders the password reset screen.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~passwordReset} */
exports.PasswordReset = guard.ensure(['get', 'https'], passwordReset);
/** Handles the password reset form.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~passwordResetDialogForm} */
exports.PasswordResetDialogForm = guard.ensure(['post', 'https', 'csrf'], passwordResetDialogForm);
/** The form handler for password resets.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~passwordResetForm} */
exports.PasswordResetForm = guard.ensure(['post', 'https'], passwordResetForm);
/** Renders the screen for setting a new password.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~setNewPassword} */
exports.SetNewPassword = guard.ensure(['get', 'https'], setNewPassword);
/** Handles the set new password form submit.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~setNewPasswordForm} */
exports.SetNewPasswordForm = guard.ensure(['post', 'https'], setNewPasswordForm);
/** Start the customer registration process and renders customer registration page.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~startRegister} */
exports.StartRegister = guard.ensure(['https'], startRegister);
/** Handles registration form submit.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~registrationForm} */
exports.RegistrationForm = guard.ensure(['post', 'https', 'csrf'], registrationForm);
/** Renders the account navigation.
* @see {@link module:controllers/Account~includeNavigation} */
exports.IncludeNavigation = guard.ensure(['get'], includeNavigation);