ProductItem document (Shop API 20.8)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a product item.

Property Type Constraints Description
adjusted_tax Decimal   The tax of the product item after adjustments applying.
base_price Decimal   The base price for the line item, which is the price of the unit before applying adjustments, in the purchase currency. The base price may be net or gross of tax depending on the configured taxation policy.
bonus_discount_line_item_id String   The id of the bonus discount line item this bonus product relates to.
bonus_product_line_item Boolean   A flag indicating whether the product item is a bonus.
bundled_product_items [ProductItem]   The array of bundled product items. Can be empty.
gift boolean   Returns true if the item is a gift.
gift_message String   The gift message.
inventory_id String maxLength=256 The inventory list id associated with this item.
item_id String   The item identifier. Use this to identify an item when updating the item quantity or creating a custom price adjustment for an item.
item_text String   The text describing the item in more detail.
option_items [OptionItem]   The array of option items. This array can be empty.
price Decimal   The price of the line item before applying any adjustments. If the line item is based on net pricing then the net price is returned. If the line item is based on gross pricing then the gross price is returned.
price_adjustments [PriceAdjustment]   Array of price adjustments. Can be empty.
price_after_item_discount Decimal   The price of the product line item after applying all product-level adjustments. For net pricing the adjusted net price is returned. For gross pricing, the adjusted gross price is returned.
price_after_order_discount Decimal   The price of this product line item after considering all dependent price adjustments and prorating all order-level price adjustments. For net pricing the net price is returned. For gross pricing, the gross price is returned.
product_id String maxLength=100  
product_list_item ProductListItemReference    
product_name String   The name of the product.
quantity Decimal mandatory=true, maxNumberValue=999.0, minNumberValue=0.0 The quantity of the products represented by this item.
shipment_id String   The id of the shipment which includes the product item.
shipping_item_id String   The reference to the related shipping item if it exists. This is the case if for example when a surcharge is defined for individual products using a particular a shipping method.
tax Decimal   The tax of the product item before adjustments applying.
tax_basis Decimal   The price used to calculate the tax for this product item.
tax_class_id String   The tax class ID for the product item or null if no tax class ID is associated with the product item.
tax_rate Decimal   The tax rate, which is the decimal tax rate to be applied to the product represented by this item.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.