Product document (Data API 20.2)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a product

Property Type Constraints Description
assigned_categories [CatalogCategoryId]   The catalog categories that the product is assigned to
ats Decimal   The ATS(Available To Sell) inventory value of the product. This is a calculated value.
brand String   The brand of the product.
bundled_products [Product]   The array of bundled products which the product includes.
creation_date Date   Returns the value of attribute 'creationDate'.
default_variant_id String   The ID of the product's default variant.
ean String   The European Article Number of the product.
id String maxLength=100, minLength=1 The ID (SKU) of the product.
image MediaFile   The image(s) assigned to the product.
image_groups [ImageGroup]   The array of product image groups.
in_stock Boolean   The flag that indicates if the product is in stock, or not. This is a calculated value.
last_modified Date   Returns the value of attribute 'lastModified'.
link String   A link to the product.
long_description Localized<MarkupText>   The localized long description of the product.
manufacturer_name String   The name of the product's manufacturer.
manufacturer_sku String   The SKU of the product's manufacturer.
master Master   The master of the product. This is applicable for product types "variation_group" and "variant" only.
name Localized<String>   The localized name of the product.
online Boolean   The flag that indicates if the product is online, or not. This is a calculated value.
online_flag SiteSpecific<Boolean>   The site specific online status of the product.
owning_catalog_id String   The ID of the catalog that owns the product.
owning_catalog_name Localized<String>   The localized name of the catalog that owns the product.
page_description Localized<String>   The localized page description of the product.
page_keywords Localized<String>   The localized page keywords of the product.
page_title Localized<String>   The localized page title of the product.
price Decimal   The price of the product.
price_currency String   The currency code for product's price.
primary_category_id String   The id of the products primary category.
product_bundles [Product]   The array of product bundles which the product belongs to.
product_options [ProductOption]   The array of product options. This is applicable for products of type "option".
product_sets [Product]   The array of product sets which the product belongs to.
searchable SiteSpecific<Boolean>   The site specific searchable status of the product.
set_products [Product]   The array of set products which the product includes.
short_description Localized<MarkupText>   The localized short description of the product.
type ProductType   The type of the product. It can have one or more of the values "item", "master", "variation_group", "variant", "bundle", and "set".
unit String   The sales unit of the product.
upc String   The Universal Product Code of the product.
variants [Variant]   The array of variants of the product. This is applicable for product types "master" and "variation_group" only.
variation_attributes [VariationAttribute]   The sorted array of variation attributes assigned to the product. This is applicable for product types "master", "variation_group" and "variant" only.
variation_groups [VariationGroup]   The array of variation groups in the product. This is applicable for product type "master" only.
variation_values Map[String, String]   The variation values selected for the product in variation attribute id and value pairs. This is applicable for product types "variant" and "variation_group" only.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.