
SFRA / Client-side JS / Source: einsteinCarousel.js

'use strict';

 * Validates and Return the cquotient namespace provided by the commerce cloud platform
 * @returns {Object} - einsteinUtils or null
function getEinsteinUtils() {
    var einsteinUtils = window.CQuotient;
    if (einsteinUtils && (typeof einsteinUtils.getCQUserId === 'function') && (typeof einsteinUtils.getCQCookieId === 'function')) {
        return einsteinUtils;
    return null;

 * Renders the einstein response into a given dom element
 * @param {jQuery} $parentElement parent element where recommendations will show.
function showControls($parentElement) {
    var $liTemplate = $parentElement.find('.hidden-indicators-template li');
    var $carouselItems = $parentElement.find('.carousel-item');

    $carouselItems.each(function (index) {
        var $newIndiator = $liTemplate.clone();
        if (index === 0) {
        } else {
        $parentElement.find('.pd-carousel-indicators li').last().attr('data-position', index);

 * fills in the carousel with product tile html objects
 * @param {string} einsteinResponse string html for product tiles
 * @param {jQuery} $parentElement parent element where recommendations will show.
function fillDomElement(einsteinResponse, $parentElement) {
    var recommendedProducts = einsteinResponse[$'recommender')].recs;
    if (recommendedProducts && recommendedProducts.length > 0) {
        var template = $'template');
        var swatches = $'swatches');
        var displayRatings = $'displayratings');
        var components = [];
        components = (recommendedProduct) {
            var tiledefinition = {};
            tiledefinition.classxs = $'bsxs');
            tiledefinition.classsm = $'bssm');
            tiledefinition.classmd = $'bsmd');
            tiledefinition.template = template;
            tiledefinition.swatches = swatches;
            tiledefinition.displayratings = displayRatings;
            tiledefinition.model = {
                type: 'product',
            return tiledefinition;

        var url = new URL($'product-load-url'));
        url.searchParams.append('components', JSON.stringify(components));
        url.searchParams.append('limit', $'limit'));
            url: url.href,
            type: 'get',
            dataType: 'html',
            success: function (html) {
                $('body').trigger('carousel:setup', {});
            error: function () {

 * Processes a recommendation tile, with an already initialized category specific anchors array
 * @param {jQuery} $parentElement parent element where recommendations will show.
 * @param {Object} einsteinUtils cquotient object
 * @param {Array} anchorsArray array of objects representing anchors
function processRecommendationsTile($parentElement, einsteinUtils, anchorsArray) {
    var recommender = $'recommender');

    var params = {
        userId: einsteinUtils.getCQUserId(),
        cookieId: einsteinUtils.getCQCookieId(),
        ccver: '1.01'

    if (anchorsArray) {
        params.anchors = anchorsArray;

    * Processes a recommendation responses
    * @param {Object} einsteinResponse cquotient object
    function recommendationsReceived(einsteinResponse) {
        fillDomElement(einsteinResponse, $parentElement);

    if (einsteinUtils.getRecs) {
        einsteinUtils.getRecs(einsteinUtils.clientId, recommender, params, recommendationsReceived);
    } else {
        einsteinUtils.widgets = einsteinUtils.widgets || []; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
            recommenderName: recommender,
            parameters: params,
            callback: recommendationsReceived

 * Processes a recommendation tile, with an already initialized product specific anchors array
 * @param {jQuery} $parentElement parent element where recommendations will show.
 * @returns {Array} - containing an anchor object
function createProductAnchor($parentElement) {
    return [{
        id: $'primaryProductId'),
        sku: $'secondaryProductId'),
        type: $'alternativeGroupType'),
        alt_id: $'alternativeGroupId')

 * Rerieves data attributes from parent element and converts to gretel compatible recommenders array
 * @param {jQuery} $parentElement parent element where recommendations will show.
 * @returns {Array} - containing an anchor object
function createCategoryAnchor($parentElement) {
    return [{ id: $'categoryId') }];

 * Gets all placeholder elements, which hold einstein recommendations queries the details from the
 * einstein engine and feeds them back to the dom element
function loadRecommendations() {
    var einsteinUtils = getEinsteinUtils();
    if (einsteinUtils) {
        var $recommendationTiles = $('.einstein-carousel');
        $recommendationTiles.each(function () {
            var $parentElement = $(this);
            if ($(this).closest('.experience-einstein-einsteinCarouselProduct').length) {
                return processRecommendationsTile($parentElement, einsteinUtils, createProductAnchor($parentElement));
            } else if ($(this).closest('.experience-einstein-einsteinCarouselCategory').length) {
                return processRecommendationsTile($parentElement, einsteinUtils, createCategoryAnchor($parentElement));
            return processRecommendationsTile($parentElement, einsteinUtils);

$(document).ready(function () {