Using Reset

Use Reset to rebuild or reinitialize an instance. It deletes all data from the database and Salesforce B2C Commerce and reset the instance to a clean state.

Static content in the file system (for example, images) that is associated with a previous version of a site or catalog is automatically deleted during reset. This ensures that these files no longer count toward data storage usage.

  1. Logon to the Control Center.
  2. Access the correct instance.

    The following window opens.

  3. Click Reset.
    This option doesn't work on a Production or Staging instance because B2C Commerce blocks this by design to prevent an accidental reset.

    The following message appears: Select the run reset button and the system will start the process."

  4. Click Run Reset.

    The status System Running reset message appears while the process is running.

When reset finishes, the Control Center goes into a System Administratively Down state.

Emails with the new password are sent to the email address of the Control Center account that ran the reset process. The user must start the instance in Control Center, wait until the system is up, and then log into the instance with the new passwords. The user is prompted to change passwords when they log in with the new temporary password.