JobExecution document (Data API 20.9)

Property Type Constraints Description
client_id String   When the execution was started by a client, this represents the client's id.
effective_duration Long   Time in milliseconds, the job has done work. Paused times are evicted.
execution_scopes [String]   Sorted set of all execution scopes, used by individual steps.
is_log_file_existing Boolean   True if the log file exists, otherwise false.
is_restart Boolean   True if this execution represents a job restart.
job_description String   Description of the job, this execution belongs to.
job_id String   ID of the job, this execution belongs to.
log_file_name String   Name of the log file, containing execution log.
parameters [JobExecutionParameter]   List of all job execution parameters.
step_executions [JobStepExecution]   List of all steps, called for job execution.
user_login String   When the execution was started by a registered user, this represents the user's login.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.