PaymentCard document (Shop API 20.4)

Document representing a payment card.

Property Type Constraints Description
card_type String maxLength=256 The payment card type (for example, 'Visa').
credit_card_expired boolean   A flag indicating if the credit card is expired.
credit_card_token String   A credit card token. If a credit card is tokenized, the token can be used to look up the credit card data at the token store.
expiration_month Integer   The month when the payment card expires.
expiration_year Integer   The year when the payment card expires.
holder String maxLength=256 The payment card holder.
issue_number String maxLength=256 The payment card issue number.
masked_number String maxLength=4000 The masked credit card number.
number_last_digits String maxLength=4000 The last digits of credit card number.
valid_from_month Integer maxIntegerValue=12, minIntegerValue=1 The payment card valid from month.
valid_from_year Integer   The payment card valid from year.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.