CustomerProductList document (Shop API 19.10)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a customer product List.

Property Type Constraints Description
co_registrant CustomerProductListRegistrant   The coRegistrant of this product list.
creation_date Date   Returns the value of attribute 'creationDate'.
current_shipping_address_link CustomerAddressLink   The resource link to the current shipping address of this customer product list.
customer_product_list_items [CustomerProductListItem]   The list of customer product list items.
description String   The description of this product list.
event ProductListEvent   The event of this product list.
id String minLength=1 The id of this product list.
items_link CustomerProductListItemLink   The resource link to the items of this customer product list.
last_modified Date   Returns the value of attribute 'lastModified'.
name String   The name of this product list.
post_event_shipping_address_link CustomerAddressLink   The resource link to the post event shipping address of this customer product list.
product_list_shipping_address ProductListShippingAddress   The abbreviated shipping address of this product list representing what anonymous user can see.
public Boolean   Indicates whether the owner made this product list available for access by other customers.
registrant CustomerProductListRegistrant   The registrant of this product list.
shipping_address_link CustomerAddressLink   The resource link to the shipping address of this customer product list.
type Enum {wish_list, gift_registry, shopping_list, custom_1, custom_2, custom_3}   The type of the product list.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.