RoleSearchResult document (Data API 18.6)

Document representing an access role search result.

Property Type Constraints Description
count Integer   The number of returned documents.
expand [String]   The list of expands set for the search request. Expands are optional.
hits [Role]   The sorted array of search hits. Can be empty.
next String   The URL of the next result page.
previous String   The URL of the previous result page.
query Query {TermQuery, TextQuery, BoolQuery, MatchAllQuery, FilteredQuery, NestedQuery}   The query passed into the search
select String   The fields that you want to select.
sorts [Sort]   The list of sort clauses configured for the search request. Sort clauses are optional.
start Integer minIntegerValue=0 The zero-based index of the first search hit to include in the result.
total Integer   The total number of documents.
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