Promotion Document (Data API 17.3)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a promotion. Unless otherwise stated, attributes of this document are not supported when using the Open Commerce API to update multiple promotions at once.

Property Type Constraints Description
archived Boolean   Determines whether or not this promotion is archived. This attribute is allowed to be updated when using the Open Commerce API to update multiple promotions at once.
assignment_information PromotionAssignmentInformation   Information about the assignments and assignment schedules of this promotion
creation_date Date   Returns the value of attribute 'creationDate'.
currency_code String maxLength=3 The ISO 4217 mnemonic code of the currency this promotion is restricted to. If not populated, then there is no currency restriction on the promotion.
disable_globally_excluded Boolean   Determines whether or not this promotion ignores the global product exclusions for promotions.
enabled Boolean   Determines whether or not this promotion is enabled. This attribute is allowed to be updated when using the Open Commerce API to update multiple promotions at once.
exclusivity ExclusivityType   Determines if the promotion can be combined with other promotions of the same promotion class or if it cannot be combined with any other promotions. This attribute is allowed to be updated when using the Open Commerce API to update multiple promotions at once.
id String   The id for the promotion.
last_modified Date   Returns the value of attribute 'lastModified'.
link String   A URL that is used to get the details of this promotion.
name Localized<String>   The user supplied name of this promotion, which can be localized
promotion_class PromotionClass   The class of the promotion. If the promotion class is modified, then the promotion rule and all of its values, such as whether or not to disable global product exclusions, will be reset.
tags [Tag]   Returns the list of tags assigned to this promotion. If used to set the tags on a promotion, the promotion will only have the tags passed in the input. Any existing tags will be removed.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.