SlotConfigurationCampaignAssignment Document (Data API 17.2)

Document representing a slot_configuration_campaign_assignment

Property Type Constraints Description
campaign Campaign   The campaign
campaign_id String maxLength=256, minLength=1, nullable=false The id for the Campaign related to this slot_configuration_campaign_assignment
context Enum {global, category, folder} mandatory=true, nullable=false The context of the slot.
customer_groups [String]    
description String maxLength=4000, minLength=0 The description for the slot configuration related to this slot_configuration_campaign_assignment.
link String    
rank Integer minIntegerValue=1  
slot_configuration SlotConfiguration   The slotConfiguration
slot_configuration_id String mandatory=true, maxLength=256, minLength=1, nullable=false The id for the slot configuration related to this slot_configuration_campaign_assignment
slot_configuration_uuid String maxLength=28 The uuid for the slot configuration related to this slot_configuration_campaign_assignment
slot_context_id String maxLength=256 The id for the slot's context, i.e., the category id for a slot with context category
slot_id String mandatory=true, maxLength=256, minLength=1, nullable=false The id for the slot related to this slot_configuration_campaign_assignment
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.