Store Document (Data API 17.1)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a store

Property Type Constraints Description
address1 String maxLength=256 Returns the first address.
address2 String maxLength=256 Returns the second address value.
city String maxLength=256 Returns the city.
country_code String maxLength=2 The two-character country code per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
demandware_pos_enabled Boolean   Whether this store uses Store for Point-of-Sale
email String maxLength=256 Email address to contact the store
fax String maxLength=256 Returns the fax number .
id String maxLength=256 The id for the store
image String maxLength=256 The image associated with the store
inventory_id String maxLength=256 The inventory list associated with the store
latitude Decimal maxNumberValue=90.0, minNumberValue=-90.0 The latitude of the store
link String   a URL that is used to get this instance. The property is computed and cannot be changed.
longitude Decimal maxNumberValue=180.0, minNumberValue=-180.0 The longitude of the store
name String   The name of the store
phone String maxLength=256 Returns the phone number.
postal_code String maxLength=10 The postal code for the store
state_code String maxLength=256 Returns the customer's state.
store_events Localized<String>   The store events (localized)
store_hours Localized<String>   The store opening hours (localized)
store_locator_enabled Boolean   Whether this store should appear in store locator searches
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.