CustomerSearchHit Document (Data API 17.1)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a customer search hit.

Property Type Constraints Description
birthday LocalDate   The customer's birthday.
company_name String maxLength=256 The customer's company name.
credentials Credentials   The customer's credentials.
customer_id String maxLength=28 Gets the customer's id.
customer_no String maxLength=100 The unique customer number.
email String maxLength=256 The email address of the customer.
fax String maxLength=32 The fax number to use for the customer. The length is restricted to 32 characters.
first_name String maxLength=256 The first name of the customer.
gender Integer   The customer's gender.
job_title String maxLength=256 The customer's job title.
last_login_time Date   The last login time of the customer.
last_name String maxLength=256 The last name of the customer.
last_visit_time Date   The last visit time of the customer.
link String   The URL addressing the customer.
phone_business String maxLength=32 The business phone number to use for the customer.
phone_home String maxLength=32 The home phone number to use for the customer.
phone_mobile String maxLength=32 The mobile phone number to use for the customer.
preferred_locale String   The customer's preferred locale.
previous_login_time Date   The time the customer logged in prior to the current login.
previous_visit_time Date   The time the customer visited the store prior to the current visit.
primary_address CustomerAddress   The primary address for the customer.
salutation String maxLength=256 The salutation to use for the customer.
second_name String maxLength=256 The customer's second name.
suffix String maxLength=256 The customer's suffix, such as "Jr." or "Sr.".
title String maxLength=256 The customer's title, such as "Mrs" or "Mr".
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.