How to Find Your Salesforce Commerce Cloud POD: Step-by-Step Guide

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a powerful e-commerce platform that caters to the needs of businesses of all sizes. For developers working on this platform, understanding the Point of Delivery (POD) of your Commerce Cloud instance is crucial. In the past, finding the POD was straightforward through the Log Center in the Business Manager. However, recent updates have changed the process. In this article, we will guide developers on how to identify their Commerce Cloud POD instance in the updated environment.

What is a POD in Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

Before we dive into the methods to find your Commerce Cloud POD, let’s clarify what a POD is. A Point of Delivery (POD) in Salesforce Commerce Cloud refers to the data center where your Commerce Cloud instance is hosted. Salesforce operates multiple PODs around the world to ensure reliability and high availability for its customers. Knowing your specific POD can be essential for various reasons, including troubleshooting, performance optimization, and compliance.

A point of delivery is a collection of computing, networking, and storage services that combine to host a multi-tenant SAAS application.

In summary, within a POD, we can find several Realms, each of which has two groups of instances: primary and secondary. Please review this Salesforce Commerce Cloud Instances to understand the purpose of each of them.


The Old Way to Determine the POD Number: Using the Log Center

In the past, identifying your Commerce Cloud POD was a straightforward process. You could access this information through the Log Center in the Business Manager. Here are the steps you used to follow:

  1. Log in to your Business Manager.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Development Setup > Log Center.
  3. Once in the Log Center, you would observe that the POD Number corresponds to the first three digits displayed in the URL, with the remaining digits typically being either 00 or 01, depending on whether you were in the Log Center of your PIG or SIG (Primary or Secondary Instance Group).

This simple method provided instant access to your POD information, allowing you to identify the specific data center your instance was hosted on.

Log Center has been updated

With recent updates to Commerce Cloud’s Log Center, the process has evolved to offer more features and unified access for all tenants.

Now, the Log Center dynamically loads specific information based on your login credentials and Account Manager permissions. While this enhances security and personalization, it requires developers to adapt to the new method of finding their POD instance.

It’s important to note that the previous method of determining the POD number from the URL no longer applies, as the URL is now common for all PODs, making it impossible to ascertain the POD number from the URL.

Unveiling Your SFCC POD Number: Exploring Alternative Methods

Open a Support Ticket to know your POD Number

Directly contact Salesforce support by opening a ticket through the support portal. Salesforce’s support team can provide you with the POD number information you need.

POD Number Identification: Leveraging Preview Maintenance Pages

Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Custom Maintenance Pages in your Business Manager. Under the “Preview” section, select “Production.” This action should generate a URL like:

These alternative methods offer additional avenues for obtaining your Commerce Cloud POD information, ensuring you have the resources you need to manage and maintain your e-commerce solutions effectively.

Additional SFCC POD Resources

For more detailed information about Salesforce Commerce Cloud PODs in different regions, including their POD numbers, time zones, POD locations, and outgoing IP addresses, please refer to the following Salesforce help articles:

These resources are especially useful for integrations with other backend systems, firewall rules, and disaster recovery planning, as they provide comprehensive details about the different PODs in various regions. Stay informed about any further changes or improvements in the platform by regularly checking Salesforce Commerce Cloud documentation and announcements.

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