The Bold Decision That Shocked My CTO

The Bold Decision That Shocked My CTO

The Bold Decision That Shocked My CTO

  • Jonatan Jumbert

  • 2 minute read

Do you remember the OCAPI story?

How it caught me off guard?

If not, read this first ⏳ → Link to the story

It will take you just a couple of minutes, but it will click in your mind.

Because today’s story?
Same project.

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But this time, it's about a bold decision.

A decision that no one dared to bring up.

Too complex.
Too risky.
Too new.

Even my CTO had a mental meltdown when I suggested it.

Being bold isn’t enough. You need knowledge.

Let me explain.

The project was huge.
Many countries, Europe and the U.S.

Same company, same products...
But different rules.

  • Different payment gateways.

  • Different shipping & tracking logic.

  • Different logistics.

🚨 And yet… we had all the code in ONE cartridge.

At first, it seemed fine.

But after a few months…

💀 The code became a nightmare.

  • If Europe, do this.

  • If U.S., do that.

  • If Europe, apply this logic.

  • If U.S., use another.

A mess. A Frankenstein.

And I saw it coming.

So I raised my hand and said:

🚨 This is NOT scalable. We need to fix it. NOW.

The solution?

📌 Separate the cartridges.

  • One for Europe-specific logic.

  • One for U.S.-specific logic.

  • One for shared components.

When I first proposed it?

💭 "Too complicated."
💭 "Too risky."
💭 "We’ve never done this before."

But I knew what I was talking about.

I knew Commerce Cloud.

I knew how SFRA worked,
how cartridges extended functionality,
how to structure the project properly.

And guess what?

💡 It worked.

Not perfectly at first.
But very close.

What’s the lesson here?

If you don’t have the right knowledge, you’ll always follow others.

  • The senior dev.

  • The tech lead.

  • The CTO.

🚨 And sometimes, they’re wrong.

To step up, you need knowledge + courage.

💡 Know your stuff.
💡 Speak up when you see a problem.
💡 Lead, don’t just follow.

That’s how you grow.
That’s how you become valuable.

And that’s exactly what I help you do.

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